
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2018/8/15-21

1: Testing Graph Clusterability: Algorithms and Lower Bounds
2: An Experimental Study of Algorithms for Online Bipartite Matching
3: The Sketching Complexity of Graph and Hypergraph Counting
4: Counting Minimal Transversals of $\beta$-Acyclic Hypergraphs
5: Edge Disjoint Spanning Trees in an Undirected Graph with E=2(V-1)
6: Shared-memory Exact Minimum Cuts
7: Perfect $L_p$ Sampling in a Data Stream
8: The linear hidden subset problem for the (1+1) EA with scheduled and adaptive mutation rates
9: Constant Arboricity Spectral Sparsifiers
10: Why did the shape of your network change? (On detecting network anomalies via non-local curvatures)
11: Efficiently Learning Mixtures of Mallows Models
12: LP Relaxation and Tree Packing for Minimum $k$-cuts
13: Cardinality Estimators do not Preserve Privacy
14: Non-monotone Submodular Maximization with Nearly Optimal Adaptivity and Query Complexity
15: An incremental local-first community detection method for dynamic graphs
16: Faster Support Vector Machines
17: Scalable Edge Partitioning
18: Privacy Amplification by Iteration
19: Graph connectivity in log steps using label propagation
20: Defending against Intrusion of Malicious UAVs with Networked UAV Defense Swarms