1: Competitive Online Virtual Cluster Embedding Algorithms
2: Spectral Subspace Sparsification
3: On the discrepancy of random low degree set systems
4: An Improved Algorithm for Incremental Cycle Detection and Topological Ordering in Sparse Graphs
5: Time-Message Trade-Offs in Distributed Algorithms
6: Approximate Online Pattern Matching in Sub-linear Time
7: The equivalence between two classic algorithms for the assignment problem
8: Approximating Edit Distance Within Constant Factor in Truly Sub-Quadratic Time
9: A Note on Max $k$-Vertex Cover: Faster FPT-AS, Smaller Approximate Kernel and Improved Approximation
10: Guess Free Maximization of Submodular and Linear Sums
11: Enumerating models of DNF faster: breaking the dependency on the formula size
12: Alignments as Compositional Structures
13: Using ACL2 in the Design of Efficient, Verifiable Data Structures for High-Assurance Systems
14: The Andoni–Krauthgamer–Razenshteyn characterization of sketchable norms fails for sketchable metrics
15: Assignment Mechanisms under Distributional Constraints
16: Robust optimization of a broad class of heterogeneous vehicle routing problems under demand uncertainty
17: Classifying k-Edge Colouring for H-free Graphs
18: Faster Hamiltonian Monte Carlo by Learning Leapfrog Scale
19: A Fast Polynomial-time Primal-Dual Projection Algorithm for Linear Programming
20: Algorithm for $\mathcal{B}$-partitions, parameterized complexity of the matrix determinant and permanent
21: Parameterized Complexity of Independent Set in H-Free Graphs
22: Quantum adiabatic optimization without heuristics
23: Path matrix and path energy of graphs
24: The algorithmic hardness threshold for continuous random energy models
25: Short Cycles via Low-Diameter Decompositions
26: A Constraint Propagation Algorithm for Sums-of-Squares Formulas over the Integers
27: Stochastic $\ell_p$ Load Balancing and Moment Problems via the $L$-Function Method
28: Parallelism in Randomized Incremental Algorithms
29: Xorshift1024(star), Xorshift1024+, Xorshift128+ and Xoroshiro128+ Fail Statistical Tests for Linearity
30: Linear Program Reconstruction in Practice
31: Relative compression of trajectories
32: Topological Inference of Manifolds with Boundary
33: Approximating Pairwise Correlations in the Ising Model
34: Approximating optimal transport with linear programs