
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2018/12/15-21

1: Simple Concurrent Labeling Algorithms for Connected Components
2: Algorithmic Theory of ODEs and Sampling from Well-conditioned Logconcave Densities
3: Efficient Structured Matrix Recovery and Nearly-Linear Time Algorithms for Solving Inverse Symmetric $M$-Matrices
4: The Stochastic Critical Node Problem over Trees
5: Comparing Linear Width Parameters for Directed Graphs
6: A Fast Combination of AES Encryption and LZ4 Compression Algorithms
7: Information theoretical clustering is hard to approximate
8: Model-Checking on Ordered Structures
9: A Scalable Heuristic for Fastest-Path Computation on Very Large Road Maps
10: Efficient Autotuning of Hyperparameters in Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
11: On zero-free regions for the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on bounded-degree graphs
12: Approximation Schemes for Capacitated Clustering in Doubling Metrics
13: Sticky Brownian Rounding and its Applications to Constraint Satisfaction Problems
14: Two-stage Combinatorial Optimization Problems under Risk
15: An Empirical Evaluation of Sketched SVD and its Application to Leverage Score Ordering
16: Efficient Representation and Counting of Antipower Factors in Words
17: Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping via Balanced Spanning Forests
18: The Query Complexity of a Permutation-Based Variant of Mastermind
19: Temporal Matching
20: Near-Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Clustering in Doubling Metrics
21: Core Decomposition in Multilayer Networks: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
22: A Universal Sampling Method for Reconstructing Signals with Simple Fourier Transforms
23: Limits on the Universal Method for Matrix Multiplication
24: Nearly-Linear Time Spectral Graph Reduction for Scalable Graph Partitioning and Data Visualization
25: Expander Decomposition and Pruning: Faster, Stronger, and Simpler
26: A Simple Algorithm for Computing the Document Array
27: Lower bounds for text indexing with mismatches and differences