1: Utility Preserving Secure Private Data Release
2: Efficient Multiparty Interactive Coding for Insertions, Deletions and Substitutions
3: Dominating Sets and Connected Dominating Sets in Dynamic Graphs
4: Heterogeneous Network Motifs
5: Online Algorithms for Constructing Linear-size Suffix Trie
6: A Parallel Projection Method for Metric Constrained Optimization
7: Fully-functional bidirectional Burrows-Wheeler indexes
8: Canonisation and Definability for Graphs of Bounded Rank Width
9: Matching is as Easy as the Decision Problem, in the NC Model
10: Simulating the DNA String Graph in Succinct Space
11: Efficient n-to-n Collision Detection for Space Debris using 4D AABB Trees (Extended Report)
12: Efficiently computing runs on a trie
13: Online Pandora’s Boxes and Bandits
14: Computing longest palindromic substring after single-character or block-wise edits
15: Optimal Minimal Margin Maximization with Boosting
16: Comparing Election Methods Where Each Voter Ranks Only Few Candidates
17: Multistage Knapsack
18: Quasi-Linear-Time Algorithm for Longest Common Circular Factor