1: Dynamic Planar Convex Hull
2: Multi-Criteria Dimensionality Reduction with Applications to Fairness
3: Optimal Algorithms for Ski Rental with Soft Machine-Learned Predictions
4: Parallel Weighted Random Sampling
5: Bounded Dijkstra (BD): Search Space Reduction for Expediting Shortest Path Subroutines
6: Superseding traditional indexes by orchestrating learning and geometry
7: An FPTAS for Stochastic Unbounded Min-Knapsack Problem
8: Online Graph Exploration on a Restricted Graph Class: Optimal Solutions for Tadpole Graphs
9: One Table to Count Them All: Parallel Frequency Estimation on Single-Board Computers
10: Lexicographically Ordered Multi-Objective Clustering
11: Deterministic Sparse Fourier Transform with an ell_infty Guarantee
12: An FPT Algorithm for Minimum Additive Spanner Problem
13: Decomposition of Map Graphs with Applications
14: A Simple Solution to the Level-Ancestor Problem
15: A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Two-Point $L_1$ Shortest Path Queries in Polygonal Domains
16: Lightweight merging of compressed indices based on BWT variants
17: Faster Biclique Mining in Near-Bipartite Graphs
18: A linear-time algorithm and analysis of graph Relative Hausdorff distance
19: Semi-dynamic shortest-path tree algorithms for directed graphs with arbitrary weights
20: An $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(m/\varepsilon^{3.5})$-Cost Algorithm for Semidefinite Programs with Diagonal Constraints
21: An Adaptive Grid Algorithm for Computing the Homology Group of Semialgebraic Set
22: Lempel-Ziv-like Parsing in Small Space
23: An Efficient Algorithm for Enumerating Chordal Bipartite Induced Subgraphs in Sparse Graphs
24: Stable Noncrossing Matchings
25: Runtime Analysis of RLS and (1+1) EA for the Dynamic Weighted Vertex Cover Problem
26: topFiberM: Scalable and Efficient Boolean Matrix Factorization
27: The Parameterized Complexity of Motion Planning for Snake-Like Robots
28: Entropy Trees and Range-Minimum Queries In Optimal Average-Case Space
29: Encoding 3SUM
30: A Rank-1 Sketch for Matrix Multiplicative Weights
31: Stronger L2/L2 Compressed Sensing; Without Iterating
32: A face cover perspective to $\ell_1$ embeddings of planar graphs
33: The robust bilevel continuous knapsack problem with uncertain coefficients in the follower’s objective
34: Variational Graph Methods for Efficient Point Cloud Sparsification
35: Halin graphs are 3-vertex-colorable except even wheels