
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2019/4/08-14

1: Linear-Time and Efficient Distributed Algorithms for List Coloring Graphs on Surfaces
2: Graph pattern detection: Hardness for all induced patterns and faster non-induced cycles
3: A Fast MCMC for the Uniform Sampling of Binary Matrices with Fixed Margins
4: The Kikuchi Hierarchy and Tensor PCA
5: Parametrized Metrical Task Systems
6: Two-Sided Matching Markets with Correlated Random Preferences
7: From independent sets and vertex colorings to isotropic spaces and isotropic decompositions
8: Subsets and Supermajorities: Optimal Hashing-based Set Similarity Search
9: The Fault-Tolerant Metric Dimension of Cographs
10: Weighted Reservoir Sampling from Distributed Streams
11: A note on Cunningham’s algorithm for matroid intersection
12: Junta correlation is testable
13: String Synchronizing Sets: Sublinear-Time BWT Construction and Optimal LCE Data Structure
14: Distributed Edge Connectivity in Sublinear Time
15: Discovering Bands from Graphs
16: Breaking Quadratic Time for Small Vertex Connectivity and an Approximation Scheme
17: Private Hierarchical Clustering and Efficient Approximation
18: Testing isomorphism of circular-arc graphs – Hsu’s approach revisited
19: Towards a complete perspective on labeled tree indexing: new size bounds, efficient constructions, and beyond
20: Lower Bounds for Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search
21: Polynomial Pass Lower Bounds for Graph Streaming Algorithms
22: Bridging between 0/1 and Linear Programming via Random Walks
23: The Complexity of Subtree Intersection Representation of Chordal Graphs and Linear Time Chordal Graph Generation
24: An FPT Algorithm for Max-Cut Parameterized by Crossing Number
25: Minimum Spanning Trees in Weakly Dynamic Graphs
26: The Mobile Server Problem
27: Testing Unateness Nearly Optimally
28: Constant-factor approximation of near-linear edit distance in near-linear time
29: Reducing approximate Longest Common Subsequence to approximate Edit Distance
30: What Storage Access Privacy is Achievable with Small Overhead?
31: Constant factor approximations to edit distance on far input pairs in nearly linear time
32: Efficient Distributed Workload (Re-)Embedding
33: Restricted Isometry Property under High Correlations
34: Beyond trace reconstruction: Population recovery from the deletion channel
35: Tight Bounds for the Subspace Sketch Problem with Applications
36: Multiplicative Up-Drift
37: Robust Coreset Construction for Distributed Machine Learning
38: Quasi-popular Matchings, Optimality, and Extended Formulations
39: Applications of the quantum algorithm for st-connectivity
40: The Lanczos Algorithm Under Few Iterations: Concentration and Location of the Output
41: Low-rank binary matrix approximation in column-sum norm
42: Maximizing Online Utilization with Commitment
43: The Perfect Matching Reconfiguration Problem
44: L1-norm Tucker Tensor Decomposition
45: Online Bin Covering with Limited Migration