
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2019/4/15-21

1: Finding a latent k-simplex in O(k . nnz(data)) time via Subset Smoothing
2: Approximating the noise sensitivity of a monotone Boolean function
3: The Integrality Number of an Integer Program
4: Bounded and Approximate Strong Satisfiability in Workflows
5: General Framework for Metric Optimization Problems with Delay or with Deadlines
6: The Landscape of the Planted Clique Problem: Dense subgraphs and the Overlap Gap Property
7: Distance-generalized Core Decomposition
8: Stochastic Load Balancing on Unrelated Machines
9: Introduction to Multi-Armed Bandits
10: Deterministic Preparation of Dicke States
11: Approximation Algorithms for Distributionally Robust Stochastic Optimization with Black-Box Distributions
12: Point-width and Max-CSPs
13: c-trie++: A Dynamic Trie Tailored for Fast Prefix Searches
14: Fast Commutative Matrix Algorithm
15: p-Adic scaled space filling curve indices for high dimensional data
16: A scaled space-filling curve index applied to tropical rain forest tree distributions
17: ProUM: Projection-based Utility Mining on Sequence Data
18: Heuristic algorithms for the Longest Filled Common Subsequence Problem
19: Almost-Smooth Histograms and Sliding-Window Graph Algorithms
20: Improved Distributed Expander Decomposition and Nearly Optimal Triangle Enumeration
21: A Brief Note on Single Source Fault Tolerant Reachability
22: Novel Dense Subgraph Discovery Primitives: Risk Aversion and Exclusion Queries
23: Online Matching with General Arrivals
24: An Exponential Lower Bound for the Runtime of the cGA on Jump Functions
25: JGraphT – A Java library for graph data structures and algorithms
26: Low-Latency Graph Streaming Using Compressed Purely-Functional Trees
27: A Faster Local Algorithm for Detecting Bounded-Size Cuts with Applications to Higher-Connectivity Problems
28: Samplers and Extractors for Unbounded Functions
29: New Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithms: Vertex versus Path-at-a-time Matching
30: Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations For Graph Edit Distance
31: A doubly exponential upper bound on noisy EPR states for binary games
32: A Conditional Lower Bound on Graph Connectivity in MapReduce
33: An Efficient Algorithm for the Fast Delivery Problem
34: Beyond Submodular Maximization via One-Sided Smoothness
35: Tight Bounds for Online Edge Coloring
36: Uncertainty about Uncertainty: Optimal Adaptive Algorithms for Estimating Mixtures of Unknown Coins
37: SSRGD: Simple Stochastic Recursive Gradient Descent for Escaping Saddle Points
38: Secure and secret cooperation in robotic swarms
39: Stochastic Online Metric Matching
40: Submodular Maximization Beyond Non-negativity: Guarantees, Fast Algorithms, and Applications
41: A Combinatorial Algorithm for the Multi-commodity Flow Problem
42: Decomposing a Graph into Unigraphs
43: Cluster Deletion on Interval Graphs and Split Related Graphs
44: An Improved FPTAS for 0-1 Knapsack