1: Hiring Under Uncertainty
2: Kendall Tau Sequence Distance: Extending Kendall Tau from Ranks to Sequences
3: Online and Offline Greedy Algorithms for Routing with Switching Costs
4: Network Coding Gaps for Completion Times of Multiple Unicasts
5: Testing Bipartitness in an Augmented VDF Bounded-Degree Graph Model
6: Switches in Eulerian graphs
7: Target Set in Threshold Models
8: Finding cuts of bounded degree: complexity, FPT and exact algorithms, and kernelization
9: Zeros and approximations of Holant polynomials on the complex plane
10: Efficient On-line Computation of Visibility Graphs
11: On the Approximate Compressibility of Connected Vertex Cover
12: An invertible transform for efficient string matching in labeled digraphs
13: Variable Neighborhood Search for the Bin Packing Problem with Compatible Categories
14: Fast uniform generation of random graphs with given degree sequences
15: Linear Work Generation of R-MAT Graphs
16: Elimination Distances, Blocking Sets, and Kernels for Vertex Cover
17: Typical Sequences Revisited — Computing Width Parameters of Graphs
18: Finding Optimal Longest Paths by Dynamic Programming in Parallel
19: Proportionally Fair Clustering
20: A separator-based method for generating weakly chordal graphs
21: Coresets for Minimum Enclosing Balls over Sliding Windows
22: Tight Lower Bound for Comparison-Based Quantile Summaries
23: Robustness: a New Form of Heredity Motivated by Dynamic Networks
24: Refined Complexity of PCA with Outliers
25: Online Multistage Subset Maximization Problems
26: Alignment- and reference-free phylogenomics with colored de-Bruijn graphs
27: 5/4 approximation for Symmetric TSP
28: Variable elimination in binary CSPs
29: Good Things Come to Those Who Swap Objects on Paths
30: Solving Empirical Risk Minimization in the Current Matrix Multiplication Time
31: A New Shortest Path Algorithm Generalized on Dynamic Graph for Commercial Intelligent Navigation for Transportation Management
32: PrivateJobMatch: A Privacy-Oriented Deferred Multi-Match Recommender System for Stable Employment
33: Continuous-Time Systems for Solving 0-1 Integer Linear Programming Feasibility Problems
34: List Decodable Learning via Sum of Squares
35: Complexity of fall coloring for restricted graph classes
36: Algorithms for Online Matching, Assortment, and Pricing with Tight Weight-dependent Competitive Ratios
37: Maximum Weighted Matching with Few Edge Crossings for 2-Layered Bipartite Graph
38: Streaming Algorithms for Bin Packing and Vector Scheduling
39: An improved algorithm for the submodular secretary problem with a cardinality constraint
40: A Distributed Laplacian Solver and its Applications to Electrical Flow and Random Spanning Tree Computation
41: Dynamic Matrix Inverse: Improved Algorithms and Matching Conditional Lower Bounds
42: Optimal Multithreaded Batch-Parallel 2-3 Trees
43: Computing Maximum Matchings in Temporal Graphs
44: Computing and Testing Small Vertex Connectivity in Near-Linear Time and Queries
45: Dimensionality Reduction for Tukey Regression
46: Sample Efficient Toeplitz Covariance Estimation
47: A new algebraic approach to the graph isomorphism and clique problems