
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2019/5/29-31

1: Chasing Convex Bodies with Linear Competitive Ratio
2: Communication Complexity in Locally Private Distribution Estimation and Heavy Hitters
3: Paper Matching with Local Fairness Constraints
4: Private Identity Testing for High-Dimensional Distributions
5: Chasing Convex Bodies Optimally
6: The Impact of RDMA on Agreement
7: Optimal approximation for unconstrained non-submodular minimization
8: Improved Analysis of Highest-Degree Branching for Feedback Vertex Set
9: Reallocating Multiple Facilities on the Line
10: A unified variance-reduced accelerated gradient method for convex optimization
11: Rank-one Multi-Reference Factor Analysis
12: On the Clique-Width of Unigraphs
13: Understanding the Effectiveness of Data Reduction in Public Transportation Networks
14: Recursive Sketches for Modular Deep Learning
15: Clustering without Over-Representation
16: Online Matching with Stochastic Rewards: Optimal Competitive Ratio via Path Based Formulation
17: Space-Efficient Algorithms for Computing Minimal/Shortest Unique Substrings
18: Information Source Detection with Limited Time Knowledge
19: Inducing the Lyndon Array
20: Don’t Persist All : Efficient Persistent Data Structures
21: The Bloom Clock
22: Quantum Speedup Based on Classical Decision Trees
23: Private Hypothesis Selection
24: Parallel Algorithm for Non-Monotone DR-Submodular Maximization
25: Sum-of-squares meets square loss: Fast rates for agnostic tensor completion
26: A Weighted Linear Matroid Parity Algorithm
27: ParPaRaw: Massively Parallel Parsing of Delimiter-Separated Raw Data
28: Majorisation-minimisation algorithms for minimising the difference between lattice submodular functions
29: Principal Fairness: Removing Bias via Projections