1: Parallel Finger Search Structures
2: Small Cuts and Connectivity Certificates: A Fault Tolerant Approach
3: Efficient Generation of Different Topological Representations of Graphs Beyond-Planarity
4: Computation of Jacobi sums of order l^2 and 2l^2 with prime l
5: Constrained Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithms for gauge-Higgs models
6: On Symbolic Approaches for Computing the Matrix Permanent
7: Shorter Labeling Schemes for Planar Graphs
8: Parameterized Algorithms for Maximum Cut with Connectivity Constraints
9: A Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Tree Replacement Edges
10: Improved Network Decompositions using Small Messages with Applications on MIS, Neighborhood Covers, and Beyond
11: Optimizing Consistent Merging and Pruning of Subgraphs in Network Tomography
12: On the Planar Edge-Length Ratio of Planar Graphs
13: Kernel for Kt-free edge deletion
14: Slide Reduction, Revisited—Filling the Gaps in SVP Approximation
15: Unexpected Effects of Online no-Substitution k-means Clustering
16: Approximation of the Lagrange and Markov spectra
17: Graph Motif Problems Parameterized by Dual
18: Quantum algorithm for estimating volumes of convex bodies
19: Fully Dynamic k-Center Clustering in Doubling Metrics
20: Coded trace reconstruction in a constant number of traces
21: An Efficient Skyline Computation Framework
22: A Natural Quadratic Approach to the Generalized Graph Layering Problem
23: Shared-Memory Branch-and-Reduce for Multiterminal Cuts
24: Space-Efficient Construction of Compressed Suffix Trees
25: Hyperedge Estimation using Polylogarithmic Subset Queries
26: Efficient Contraction of Large Tensor Networks for Weighted Model Counting through Graph Decompositions
27: Multi-objective scheduling on two dedicated processors
28: A Fast Spectral Algorithm for Mean Estimation with Sub-Gaussian Rates
29: Private Rank Aggregation under Local Differential Privacy
30: Beyond the Inverted Index
31: L2P: Learning to Place for Estimating Heavy-Tailed Distributed Outcomes
32: Finding and counting permutations via CSPs
33: On Occupancy Moments and Bloom Filter Efficiency
34: Re-Pair In Small Space
35: Fast Cartesian Tree Matching
36: Correlation Clustering with Same-Cluster Queries Bounded by Optimal Cost
37: Sketched Representations and Orthogonal Planarity of Bounded Treewidth Graphs
38: Algorithms the min-max regret 0-1 Integer Linear Programming Problem with Interval Data