
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2019/9/01-07

1: An analysis of the superiorization method via the principle of concentration of measure
2: Burning Two Worlds: Algorithms for Burning Dense and Tree-like Graphs
3: A polynomial-time algorithm for computing a Pareto optimal and almost proportional allocation
4: Stochastic Submodular Probing with State-Dependent Costs
5: Faster Algorithms for Edge Connectivity via Random $2$-Out Contractions
6: De(con)struction of the lazy-F loop: improving performance of Smith Waterman alignment
7: Discovering Interesting Cycles in Directed Graphs
8: Analysis of SparseHash: an efficient embedding of set-similarity via sparse projections
9: Almost Optimal Tensor Sketch
10: Efficient Lock-Free Durable Sets
11: Oblivious Sketching of High-Degree Polynomial Kernels
12: Engineering Boolean Matrix Multiplication for Multiple-Accelerator Shared-Memory Architectures
13: Gerrymandering: A Briber’s Perspective
14: A Cost-Scaling Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Node-Capacitated Multiflow Problem
15: On a Conjecture of Lov'asz on Circle-Representations of Simple 4-Regular Planar Graphs
16: Proof-Based Synthesis of Sorting Algorithms Using Multisets in Theorema
17: Learning Distributions Generated by One-Layer ReLU Networks
18: Dispersion of Mobile Robots in the Global Communication Model
19: Efficient Optimal Planning in non-FIFO Time-Dependent Flow Fields
20: A Simple Reduction for Full-Permuted Pattern Matching Problems on Multi-Track Strings
21: On ultrametric $1$-median selection
22: Random Sampling for Group-By Queries
23: Strong Bounds for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling: Preprocessing and Cutting Planes
24: Minimal Unique Substrings and Minimal Absent Words in a Sliding Window
25: Graph Spanners: A Tutorial Review
26: Distance Restricted Manipulation in Voting