1: A Survey of Adwords Problem With Small Bids In a Primal-dual Setting: Greedy Algorithm, Ranking Algorithm and Primal-dual Training-based Algorithm
2: A poset metric from the directed maximum common edge subgraph
3: Context-Aware Local Differential Privacy
4: Edge minimization in de Bruijn graphs
5: A Simple and Efficient Method to Compute a Single Linkage Dendrogram
6: THAAD: Efficient Matching Queries under Temporal Abstraction for Anomaly Detection
7: CNF Encodings of Cardinality Constraints Based on Comparator Networks
8: Solving Multi-Coloring Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
9: Computing Circle Packing Representations of Planar Graphs
10: ProbMinHash – A Class of Locality-Sensitive Hash Algorithms for the (Probability) Jaccard Similarity
11: Proportionally Representative Participatory Budgeting with Ordinal Preferences
12: Testing noisy linear functions for sparsity
13: An Exponential Lower Bound for Zadeh’s pivot rule
14: Minimum Cut in $O(m\log^2 n)$ Time
15: Optimal Adaptive Detection of Monotone Patterns
16: An empirical estimation for time and memory algorithm complexities: newly developed R package
17: GRASS: Graph Spectral Sparsification Leveraging Scalable Spectral Perturbation Analysis
18: Fast sampling and counting k-SAT solutions in the local lemma regime
19: Bitcoin Coin Selection with Leverage
20: Nearly Optimal Static Las Vegas Succinct Dictionary
21: Faster Update Time for Turnstile Streaming Algorithms
22: Algorithms for Intersection Graphs of Multiple Intervals and Pseudo Disks
23: Providing Input-Discriminative Protection for Local Differential Privacy
24: Lifting Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds: Degree-$2$ to Degree-$4$
25: Counting Small Permutation Patterns
26: Pan-Private Uniformity Testing
27: Time/Accuracy Tradeoffs for Learning a ReLU with respect to Gaussian Marginals
28: The Parameterized Complexity of Clustering Incomplete Data
29: Proximal Langevin Algorithm: Rapid Convergence Under Isoperimetry
30: Statistical physics approaches to Unique Games
31: Verifying Visibility-Based Weak Consistency
32: Unbounded lower bound for k-server against weak adversaries
33: Faster Parallel Algorithm for Approximate Shortest Path
34: Pandora’s Box with Correlations: Learning and Approximation
35: Fast Multiple Pattern Cartesian Tree Matching
36: Weighted Min-Cut: Sequential, Cut-Query and Streaming Algorithms
37: A Heuristic Algorithm Based on Tour Rebuilding Operator for the Traveling Salesman Problem
38: An Efficient Word Lookup System by using Improved Trie Algorithm
39: Fully Dynamic Matching: Beating 2-Approximation in $\Delta^\epsilon$ Update Time
40: ODE-Inspired Analysis for the Biological Version of Oja’s Rule in Solving Streaming PCA
41: Online matrix factorization for Markovian data and applications to Network Dictionary Learning
42: The Bron-Kerbosch Algorithm with Vertex Ordering is Output-Sensitive
43: Parallel Approximate Undirected Shortest Paths Via Low Hop Emulators
44: Local Statistics, Semidefinite Programming, and Community Detection
45: Efficiently Learning Structured Distributions from Untrusted Batches
46: Multi-Item Mechanisms without Item-Independence: Learnability via Robustness
47: The gradient complexity of linear regression
48: Breaching the 2-Approximation Barrier for Connectivity Augmentation: a Reduction to Steiner Tree
49: In Search of Dense Subgraphs: How Good is Greedy Peeling?
50: Probabilistic Watershed: Sampling all spanning forests for seeded segmentation and semi-supervised learning
51: Fine-grained hardness of CVP(P) – Everything that we can prove (and nothing else)
52: From Symmetry to Asymmetry: Generalizing TSP Approximations by Parametrization
53: Algorithms and Adaptivity Gaps for Stochastic $k$-TSP
54: Distributed MST: A Smoothed Analysis
55: Analysis of Two-variable Recurrence Relations with Application to Parameterized Approximations
56: Efficient Computation of Positional Population Counts Using SIMD Instructions
57: Improved Truthful Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions with Submodular Bidders
58: Mining Bursting Communities in Temporal Graphs
59: Trichotomy for the reconfiguration problem of integer linear systems
60: Towards Better Compressed Representations
61: Error Correction for Partially Stuck Memory Cells
62: Extended Formulation Lower Bounds for Refuting Random CSPs
63: Parallel Data Distribution Management on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors