
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2019/11/22-28

1: Leveraging Special-Purpose Hardware for Local Search Heuristics
2: Developments in Multi-Agent Fair Allocation
3: Degree-Bounded Generalized Polymatroids and Approximating the Metric Many-Visits TSP
4: An Algorithm for Strong Stability in the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Ties
5: Constructing Minimal Perfect Hash Functions Using SAT Technology
6: Privately Learning Thresholds: Closing the Exponential Gap
7: An Efficient $\varepsilon$-BIC to BIC Transformation and Its Application to Black-Box Reduction in Revenue Maximization
8: Importance Sampling of Many Lights with Reinforcement Lightcuts Learning
9: Subexponential LPs Approximate Max-Cut
10: Smoothed complexity of local Max-Cut and binary Max-CSP
11: PAC learning with stable and private predictions
12: Probabilistic methods of bypassing the maze using stones and a random number sensor
13: Efficiently Counting Vertex Orbits of All 5-vertex Subgraphs, by EVOKE
14: Faster Matroid Intersection
15: Near-Optimal Algorithm for Distribution-Free Junta Testing
16: Coloring outerplanar graphs and planar 3-trees with small monochromatic components
17: Breaking the Barrier of 2 for the Storage Allocation Problem
18: Fast Fibonacci heaps with worst case extensions
19: Online Hashing with Efficient Updating of Binary Codes
20: Tree search algorithms for the Sequential Ordering Problem
21: Listing Conflicting Triples in Optimal Time
22: Orienting Ordered Scaffolds: Complexity and Algorithms
23: Downgrading to Minimize Connectivity
24: Graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time parameterized by treewidth
25: Finding Route Hotspots in Large Labeled Networks
26: Pseudo-deterministic Streaming
27: Scheduling with Non-Renewable Resources: Minimizing the Sum of Completion Times
28: Robustly Clustering a Mixture of Gaussians
29: Faster Algorithms for Parametric Global Minimum Cut Problems
30: A Unified View of Graph Regularity via Matrix Decompositions
31: Approximating Permanent of Random Matrices with Vanishing Mean: Made Better and Simpler
32: Measuring similarity between two mixture trees using mixture distance metric and algorithms
33: Single Machine Batch Scheduling to Minimize the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs
34: Roundtrip Spanners with $(2k-1)$ Stretch
35: LL(1) Parsing with Derivatives and Zippers
36: Properties of nowhere dense graph classes related to independent set problem