
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2019/12/22-28

1: LinearFold: linear-time approximate RNA folding by 5’-to-3’ dynamic programming and beam search
2: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for the $k$-Disjoint Shortest Paths Problem
3: Approximate Maximum Matching in Random Streams
4: Online Throughput Maximization on Unrelated Machines: Commitment is No Burden
5: Finding Optimal Triangulations Parameterized by Edge Clique Cover
6: Algorithms for Heavy-Tailed Statistics: Regression, Covariance Estimation, and Beyond
7: A near-linear time minimum Steiner cut algorithm for planar graphs
8: Flat combined Red Black Trees
9: An algorithm to evaluate the spectral expansion
10: Planar Diameter via Metric Compression
11: Parallel optimization of fiber bundle segmentation for massive tractography datasets
12: Twinless articulation points and some related problems
13: Space- and Time-Efficient Storage of LiDAR Point Clouds
14: Efficient processing of raster and vector data
15: On the Reproducibility of Experiments of Indexing Repetitive Document Collections
16: Dimensionality Reduction for Sum-of-Distances Metric
17: A Water-Filling Primal-Dual Algorithm for Approximating Non-Linear Covering Problems
18: Approximate Graph Spectral Decomposition with the Variational Quantum Eigensolver
19: Online Rainbow Coloring In Graphs
20: Minmax Regret for sink location on paths with general capacities
21: New Competitive Analysis Results of Online List Scheduling Algorithm