1: Peeling Close to the Orientability Threshold: Spatial Coupling in Hashing-Based Data Structures
2: Path Query Data Structures in Practice
3: Prophet Inequalities with Linear Correlations and Augmentations
4: New Algorithms and Hardness for Incremental Single-Source Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs
5: Fully-Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Improved Worst-Case Time and Space Bounds
6: Deterministic Algorithms for Decremental Approximate Shortest Paths: Faster and Simpler
7: Decremental SSSP in Weighted Digraphs: Faster and Against an Adaptive Adversary
8: Algorithms for new types of fair stable matchings
9: Optimal and Perfectly Parallel Algorithms for On-demand Data-flow Analysis
10: A new 1.375-approximation algorithm for Sorting By Transpositions
11: Optimally selecting the top $k$ values from $X+Y$ with layer-ordered heaps
12: Semi-dynamic Algorithms for Strongly Chordal Graphs