1: Distributed Testing of Graph Isomorphism in the CONGEST model
2: An Algorithm for Consensus Trees
3: On the Area Requirements of Planar Greedy Drawings of Triconnected Planar Graphs
4: Connected Components on a PRAM in Log Diameter Time
5: Tightening Curves on Surfaces Monotonically with Applications
6: Recent Advances in Scalable Network Generation
7: A General Framework for Symmetric Property Estimation
8: ETH-Tight Algorithms for Long Path and Cycle on Unit Disk Graphs
9: Differential Privacy at Risk: Bridging Randomness and Privacy Budget
10: Efficient algorithms for the Potts model on small-set expanders
11: Concurrent Disjoint Set Union
12: Massively Parallel Algorithms for Distance Approximation and Spanners
13: Scalable Distributed Approximation of Internal Measures for Clustering Evaluation
14: Optimal Contextual Pricing and Extensions
15: Hypergraph Motifs: Concepts, Algorithms, and Discoveries
16: Notes on Randomized Algorithms
17: The interval greedy algorithm for discrete optimization problems with interval objective function
18: Time-Space Tradeoffs for Finding a Long Common Substring
19: Online metric algorithms with untrusted predictions
20: The Online Min-Sum Set Cover Problem
21: Pivot Selection for Median String Problem
22: Scheduling Kernels via Configuration LP
23: A data relocation approach for terrain surface analysis on multi-GPU systems: a case study on the total viewshed problem
24: Que Sera Consensus: Simple Asynchronous Agreement with Private Coins and Threshold Logical Clocks
25: An Inverse Olympic Medal Tally Transformation for Optimal Lane-level Road Network Path Traversal
26: Approximating Optimal Bidirectional Macro Schemes
27: Fast Noise Removal for $k$-Means Clustering
28: Optimal Discretization is Fixed-parameter Tractable
29: Parameterized Algorithms for Generalizations of Directed Feedback Vertex Set
30: Simple and Fast Algorithm for Binary Integer and Online Linear Programming
31: Simple and sharp analysis of k-means||
32: Maximum Clique in Disk-Like Intersection Graphs
33: Dynamic Approximate Maximum Independent Set of Intervals, Hypercubes and Hyperrectangles
34: Generating a Gray code for prefix normal words in amortized polylogarithmic time per word
35: Central limit theorems for additive functionals and fringe trees in tries
36: Linear time dynamic programming for the exact path of optimal models selected from a finite set
37: Linear-Time Parameterized Algorithms with Limited Local Resources
38: Simultaneous robust subspace recovery and semi-stability of quiver representations
39: LSF-Join: Locality Sensitive Filtering for Distributed All-Pairs Set Similarity Under Skew
40: Exponentially Faster Shortest Paths in the Congested Clique
41: Algorithms for the rainbow vertex coloring problem on graph classes
42: Fast calculation of the variance of edge crossings in random arrangements
43: Miniature Robot Path Planning for Bridge Inspection: Min-Max Cycle Cover-Based Approach