1: Near Optimal Algorithm for the Directed Single Source Replacement Paths Problem
2: Learning Polynomials of Few Relevant Dimensions
3: Hierarchy-Based Algorithms for Minimizing Makespan under Precedence and Communication Constraints
4: On the complexity of Winner Verification and Candidate Winner for Multiwinner Voting Rules
5: Planted Models for the Densest $k$-Subgraph Problem
6: Quantum and approximation algorithms for maximum witnesses of Boolean matrix products
7: Dense Steiner problems: Approximation algorithms and inapproximability
8: Bipartite Stochastic Matching: Online, Random Order, and I.I.D. Models
9: An Almost Exact Linear Complexity Algorithm of the Shortest Transformation of Chain-Cycle Graphs
10: Arc Routing with Time-Dependent Travel Times and Paths
11: On Solving Cycle Problems with Branch-and-Cut: Extending Shrinking and Exact Subcycle Elimination Separation Algorithms
12: Geometric group testing
13: Weakly Submodular Function Maximization Using Local Submodularity Ratio
14: Sparse Hashing for Scalable Approximate Model Counting: Theory and Practice
15: Randomized Two-Valued Bounded Delay Online Buffer Management
16: Learning Bayesian Networks Under Sparsity Constraints: A Parameterized Complexity Analysis
17: Twin-width I: tractable FO model checking