
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2020/6/29-31

1: Fast and Private Submodular and $k$-Submodular Functions Maximization with Matroid Constraints
2: Random Assignment Under Bi-Valued Utilities: Analyzing Hylland-Zeckhauser, Nash-Bargaining, and other Rules
3: Statistical-Query Lower Bounds via Functional Gradients
4: The Number of Repetitions in 2D-Strings
5: Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching
6: Near-Optimal SQ Lower Bounds for Agnostically Learning Halfspaces and ReLUs under Gaussian Marginals
7: Efficient Enumerations for Minimal Multicuts and Multiway Cuts
8: Optimization Landscape of Tucker Decomposition
9: Dynamic Knapsack Optimization Towards Efficient Multi-Channel Sequential Advertising
10: Parallel Betweenness Computation in Graph Database for Contingency Selection
11: Recovery of Sparse Signals from a Mixture of Linear Samples
12: Subspace approximation with outliers
13: Efficient Splitting of Measures and Necklaces
14: Linear transformations between dominating sets in the TAR-model
15: Online Multi-Facility Location
16: Error Correcting Codes, finding polynomials of bounded degree agreeing on a dense fraction of a set of points
17: Robust Linear Regression: Optimal Rates in Polynomial Time