
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2020/7/08-14

1: Natural family-free genomic distance
2: Approximate Search for Known Gene Clusters in New Genomes Using PQ-Trees
3: Streaming Complexity of SVMs
4: An Improved Upper Bound for SAT
5: Fixed-Treewidth-Efficient Algorithms for Edge-Deletion to Intersection Graph Classes
6: Best-First Beam Search
7: Near Input Sparsity Time Kernel Embeddings via Adaptive Sampling
8: Linear-Time Algorithms for Computing Twinless Strong Articulation Points and Related Problems
9: A Technique for Obtaining True Approximations for $k$-Center with Covering Constraints
10: Mining Dense Subgraphs with Similar Edges
11: Waypoint Routing on Bounded Treewidth Graphs
12: Fair Colorful k-Center Clustering
13: String Indexing for Top-$k$ Close Consecutive Occurrences
14: An Efficient Updation Approach for Enumerating Maximal $(\Delta, \gamma)$\mbox{-}Cliques of a Temporal Network
15: FPT and kernelization algorithms for the k-in-a-tree problem
16: Computing the Largest Bond and the Maximum Connected Cut of a Graph
17: Safety in $s$-$t$ Paths, Trails and Walks
18: Practical Budgeted Submodular Maximization
19: Fast Adaptive Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint
20: Target set selection with maximum activation time
21: On Distributed Listing of Cliques
22: New Oracle-Efficient Algorithms for Private Synthetic Data Release
23: Local Access to Sparse Connected Subgraphs Via Edge Sampling
24: Learning Entangled Single-Sample Gaussians in the Subset-of-Signals Model
25: Vector Balancing in Lebesgue Spaces
26: Multilevel Digital Contact Tracing
27: Finding Equilibrium in Multi-Agent Games with Payoff Uncertainty
28: Submodular Meta-Learning
29: A subquadratic algorithm for the simultaneous conjugacy problem
30: Robust Learning of Mixtures of Gaussians
31: Recognizing $k$-Clique Extendible Orderings
32: Graph Connectivity and Single Element Recovery via Linear and OR Queries
33: Efficient Labeling for Reachability in Digraphs
34: Unknown I.I.D. Prophets: Better Bounds, Streaming Algorithms, and a New Impossibility
35: Local Editing in LZ-End Compressed Data
36: Optimal Bounds on the Price of Fairness for Indivisible Goods
37: Perfectly Sampling $k\geq (8/3 +o(1))\Delta$-Colorings in Graphs
38: Reconstruction of Line-Embeddings of Graphons
39: Asymptotically Optimal Vertex Ranking of Planar Graphs
40: Benchmarking 16-element quantum search algorithms on superconducting quantum processors
41: Adversarial robustness via robust low rank representations
42: Update Query Time Trade-off for dynamic Suffix Arrays
43: The Invisible Hand Heuristic for Origin-Destination Integer Multicommodity Network Flows
44: WOR and $p$’s: Sketches for $\ell_p$-Sampling Without Replacement
45: Consensus Halving for Sets of Items
46: Network Flow Methods for the Minimum Covariates Imbalance Problem
47: Robust Identifiability in Linear Structural Equation Models of Causal Inference
48: Component Order Connectivity in Directed Graphs
49: A Practical Algorithm with Performance Guarantees for the Art Gallery Problem
50: A Nearly Optimal Deterministic Online Algorithm for Non-Metric Facility Location
51: Hybrid divide-and-conquer approach for tree search algorithms
52: Quantum exploration algorithms for multi-armed bandits
53: Performance analysis of a distributed algorithm for admission control in wireless networks under the $2$-hop interference model