
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2020/11/01-07

1: Efficient Methods for Structured Nonconvex-Nonconcave Min-Max Optimization
2: A Lower Bound for Dynamic Fractional Cascading
3: Best Match Graphs with Binary Trees
4: Robust Sequence Submodular Maximization
5: Generalized Load Balancing and Clustering Problems with Norm Minimization
6: Optimal transport between determinantal point processes and application to fast simulation
7: Approximating the Median under the Ulam Metric
8: Gourds: a sliding-block puzzle with turning
9: Constant-Time Dynamic Weight Approximation for Minimum Spanning Forest
10: Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data
11: Tight Bounds for Online Graph Partitioning
12: Efficient Data Management with a Flexible Address Space
13: Recent Advances on the Graph Isomorphism Problem
14: Robust Algorithms for Online Convex Problems via Primal-Dual
15: Balanced Partitioning of Several Cache-Oblivious Algorithms
16: On Computing Stable Extensions of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
17: Secretary Matching with General Arrivals
18: Fast Computation of Strong Control Dependencies
19: Estimating decision tree learnability with polylogarithmic sample complexity
20: The Long, the Short and the Random
21: Search Problems in Trees with Symmetries: near optimal traversal strategies for individualization-refinement algorithms
22: Near-Optimal Entrywise Sampling of Numerically Sparse Matrices
23: On the Computability of Continuous Maximum Entropy Distributions: Adjoint Orbits of Lie Groups
24: Periodic Scheduling and Packing Problems
25: Greedy k-Center from Noisy Distance Samples
26: The Min-Cost Matching with Concave Delays Problem
27: Beyond Worst-case Analysis of Multicore Caching Strategies
28: Optimal Mixing of Glauber Dynamics: Entropy Factorization via High-Dimensional Expansion
29: A Multistage View on 2-Satisfiability
30: Max-flow vitality in undirected unweighted planar graphs
31: 2-Level Quasi-Planarity or How Caterpillars Climb (SPQR-)Trees
32: Approximating the discrete time-cost tradeoff problem with bounded depth
33: Algorithms and Hardness for Linear Algebra on Geometric Graphs
34: Fast, Exact and Scalable Dynamic Ridesharing
35: Competitive Data-Structure Dynamization
36: A revisited branch-and-cut algorithm for large-scale orienteering problems
37: Instance Based Approximations to Profile Maximum Likelihood
38: A Smart Backtracking Algorithm for Computing Set Partitions with Parts of Certain Sizes
39: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Bounded Degree and Crossing Spanning Tree Problems
40: Optimal Online Algorithms for File-Bundle Caching and Generalization to Distributed Caching
41: Sensitivity Oracles for All-Pairs Mincuts
42: Detecting and Counting Small Subgraphs, and Evaluating a Parameterized Tutte Polynomial: Lower Bounds via Toroidal Grids and Cayley Graph Expanders
43: Maximum Matchings and Popularity
44: Fixed Parameter Approximation Scheme for Min-max $k$-cut
45: Semi-Streaming Bipartite Matching in Fewer Passes and Optimal Space
46: Fast Near-Optimal Heterogeneous Task Allocation via Flow Decomposition
47: Ridge Regression with Frequent Directions: Statistical and Optimization Perspectives
48: Algorithmic Extensions of Dirac’s Theorem
49: Settling the Robust Learnability of Mixtures of Gaussians
50: An Efficient Scheme for the Generation of Ordered Trees in Constant Amortized Time
51: Graph cuts always find a global optimum for Potts models (with a catch)
52: Hypothesis testing with low-degree polynomials in the Morris class of exponential families
53: On the Complexity of CSP-based Ideal Membership Problems
54: Quantum Combinatorial Games: Structures and Computational Complexity
55: A Gap-ETH-Tight Approximation Scheme for Euclidean TSP