
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2020/12/08-14

1: A bounded-noise mechanism for differential privacy
2: Sequential Stratified Regeneration: MCMC for Large State Spaces with an Application to Subgraph Count Estimation
3: Breaking the Barrier of 2 for the Competitiveness of Longest Queue Drop
4: VC Dimension and Distribution-Free Sample-Based Testing
5: Galloping in fast-growth natural merge sorts
6: Almost Optimal Bounds for Sublinear-Time Sampling of $k$-Cliques: Sampling Cliques is Harder Than Counting
7: Reading Articles Online
8: Algorithms for finding $k$ in $k$-means
9: An Answer to the Bose-Nelson Sorting Problem for 11 and 12 Channels
10: Maximum Coverage with Cluster Constraints: An LP-Based Approximation Technique
11: A Concentration Inequality for the Facility Location Problem
12: An Improved Deterministic Parameterized Algorithm for Cactus Vertex Deletion
13: Streaming Algorithms for Stochastic Multi-armed Bandits
14: Participatory Budgeting with Project Groups
15: Data-driven Competitive Algorithms for Online Knapsack and Set Cover
16: Matrix Multiplication and Binary Space Partitioning Trees : An Exploration
17: Hardness results for Multimarginal Optimal Transport problems
18: Building Graphs at a Large Scale: Union Find Shuffle
19: A novel algorithm for clearing financial obligations between companies – an application within the Romanian Ministry of Economy
20: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Minimum $k$-Hop Dominating Set of a Cactus Graph
21: Four algorithms to solve symmetric multi-type non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem
22: Path Optimization Sheaves
23: Faster Deterministic Modular Subset Sum
24: Sublinear classical and quantum algorithms for general matrix games
25: Online Coresets for Clustering with Bregman Divergences
26: Lions and contamination, triangular grids, and Cheeger constants
27: Approximate Trace Reconstruction
28: A Unified Model for the Two-stage Offline-then-Online Resource Allocation
29: Trading the System Efficiency for the Income Equality of Drivers in Rideshare
30: Uniform Capacitated Facility Location Problems with Penalties/Outliers
31: A survey of sketches in traffic measurement: Design, Optimization, Application and Implementation
32: Reflections on kernelizing and computing unrooted agreement forests
33: Crossing-Optimal Extension of Simple Drawings