
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2020/12/22-28

1: Scheduling Coflows with Dependency Graph
2: Efficient sequential and parallel algorithms for multistage stochastic integer programming using proximity
3: Fast and Accurate $k$-means++ via Rejection Sampling
4: Tractable Orders for Direct Access to Ranked Answers of Conjunctive Queries
5: Constructing minimally 3-connected graphs
6: Projection-Free Bandit Optimization with Privacy Guarantees
7: An Improved Algorithm for Coarse-Graining Cellular Automata
8: Beating Random Assignment for Approximating Quantum 2-Local Hamiltonian Problems
9: Integer Division by Constants: Optimal Bounds
10: Recent Advances in Practical Data Reduction
11: PTAS for Sparse General-Valued CSPs
12: Library of efficient algorithms for phylogenetic analysis
13: On the Complexity of the Bilevel Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
14: Hiding Among the Clones: A Simple and Nearly Optimal Analysis of Privacy Amplification by Shuffling
15: Majorizing Measures for the Optimizer
16: On partial information retrieval: the unconstrained 100 prisoner problem
17: Arithmetic Binary Search Trees: Static Optimality in the Matching Model
18: Efficient computation of the oriented chromatic number of recursively defined digraphs
19: Intervention Efficient Algorithms for Approximate Learning of Causal Graphs
20: A 3/4 Differential Approximation Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem
21: Efficient Randomized Distributed Coloring in CONGEST
22: Bounded-Degree Cut is Fixed-Parameter Tractable
23: Approximation Algorithms for the Bottleneck Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem