1: Euler Meets GPU: Practical Graph Algorithms with Theoretical Guarantees
2: Family Column Generation: A Principled Stabilized Column Generation Approach
3: A Fast and Small Subsampled R-index
4: Private Non-smooth Empirical Risk Minimization and Stochastic Convex Optimization in Subquadratic Steps
5: Engineering Nearly Linear-Time Algorithms for Small Vertex Connectivity
6: A Note on Isolating Cut Lemma for Submodular Function Minimization
7: Synch: A framework for concurrent data-structures and benchmarks
8: Approximation algorithm for finding short synchronizing words in weighted automata
9: Linear time DBSCAN for sorted 1D data and laser range scan segmentation
10: The randomized local computation complexity of the Lov'asz local lemma
11: Scheduling in the Secretary Model
12: TUSQ: Targeted High-Utility Sequence Querying
13: Differentially Private Histograms under Continual Observation: Streaming Selection into the Unknown
14: Ising formulations for two-dimensional cutting stock problem with setup cost
15: An Exponential Time Parameterized Algorithm for Planar Disjoint Paths