
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2021/5/22-28

1: Verification of Multi-Layered Assignment Problems
2: Deterministic Size Discovery and Topology Recognition in Radio Networks with Short Labels
3: Support Optimality and Adaptive Cuckoo Filters
4: Combinatorial Blocking Bandits with Stochastic Delays
5: An Algorithm for Reordering Buffer Management Problem and Experimental Evaluations on Discrete Distributions
6: Parameterized Complexity of Locally Minimal Defensive Alliances
7: Digital Contact Tracing for Covid 19
8: Estimating leverage scores via rank revealing methods and randomization
9: Fast and Space-Efficient Construction of AVL Grammars from the LZ77 Parsing
10: Efficient Reporting of Top-k Subset Sums
11: A Simple Proof of a New Set Disjointness with Applications to Data Streams
12: Minimal unique palindromic substrings after single-character substitution
13: The Topology of Randomized Symmetry-Breaking Distributed Computing
14: A linear parallel algorithm to compute bisimulation and relational coarsest partitions
15: Bi-objective Search with Bi-directional A(star)
16: Minmax-optimal list searching with $O(\log_2\log_2 n)$ average cost
17: A Simple Optimal Contention Resolution Scheme for Uniform Matroids
18: An explicit algorithm for normal forms in small overlap monoids
19: On Finding Separators in Temporal Split and Permutation Graphs
20: An $\Omega(\log n)$ Lower Bound for Online Matching on the Line
21: On Dasgupta’s hierarchical clustering objective and its relation to other graph parameters
22: Diameter, radius and all eccentricities in linear time for constant-dimension median graphs
23: A Domain-Oblivious Approach for Learning Concise Representations of Filtered Topological Spaces for Clustering
24: Recognition of Linear and Star Variants of Leaf Powers is in P
25: Total, Equitable Total and Neighborhood sum distinguishing Total Colorings of Some Classes of Circulant Graphs
26: Finding optimal strategies in sequential games with the novel selection monad
27: New instances for maximum weight independent set from a vehicle routing application
28: Testing symmetry on quantum computers
29: Boltzmann sampling of irreducible context-free structures in linear time
30: Sampling from the Gibbs Distribution in Congestion Games
31: Towards Classifying the Polynomial-Time Solvability of Temporal Betweenness Centrality
32: A Dynamic Tree Algorithm for Peer-to-Peer Ride-sharing Matching
33: On the Complexity of Weight-Dynamic Network Algorithms
34: Convergence of a Packet Routing Model to Flows Over Time
35: Differentially Private Densest Subgraph Detection
36: On Stricter Reachable Repetitiveness Measures(star)
37: Scheduling Jobs with Stochastic Holding Costs
38: Semi-Popular Matchings and Copeland Winners
39: Grammar Index By Induced Suffix Sorting