1: Efficient Network Analysis Under Single Link Deletion
2: Speed Scaling with Multiple Servers Under A Sum Power Constraint
3: Computing and Listing Avoidable Vertices and Paths
4: A Two-Pass Lower Bound for Semi-Streaming Maximum Matching
5: Better GPU Hash Tables
6: Approximating the Permanent with Deep Rejection Sampling
7: ANOMALYMAXQ:Anomaly-Structured Maximization to Query in Attributed Network
8: A heuristic for listing almost-clique minimal separators of a graph
9: Arbitrary-length analogs to de Bruijn sequences
10: M-ar-K-Fast Independent Component Analysis
11: A Tighter Relation Between Hereditary Discrepancy and Determinant Lower Bound
12: On Multimarginal Partial Optimal Transport: Equivalent Forms and Computational Complexity
13: Worst-Case Efficient Dynamic Geometric Independent Set
14: Non-uniform quantization with linear average-case computation time
15: Estimating distinguishability measures on quantum computers
16: A 1+O(1/N) approximation algorithm for TTP(2)
17: Improved Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing the $4$-Edge-Connected Components of a Graph
18: The Fine-Grained Complexity of Episode Matching
19: odeN: Simultaneous Approximation of Multiple Motif Counts in Large Temporal Networks
20: Learning General Halfspaces with General Massart Noise under the Gaussian Distribution
21: Maintaining an EDCS in General Graphs: Simpler, Density-Sensitive and with Worst-Case Time Bounds
22: EDEN: Communication-Efficient and Robust Distributed Mean Estimation for Federated Learning
23: Partitioned K-nearest neighbor local depth for scalable comparison-based learning
24: Distributed Transformations of Hamiltonian Shapes based on Line Moves
25: Uniformity Testing in the Shuffle Model: Simpler, Better, Faster
26: A Grover search-based algorithm for the list coloring problem
27: Does Preprocessing help in Fast Sequence Comparisons?
28: Detour Dual Optimal Inequalities for Column Generation with Application to Routing and Location
29: Wave Function Collapse Coloring: A New Heuristic for Fast Vertex Coloring
30: A Pivot Gray Code Listing for the Spanning Trees of the Fan Graph
31: Fast Sketching of Polynomial Kernels of Polynomial Degree
32: From Tutte to Floater and Gotsman: On the Resolution of Planar Straight-line Drawings and Morphs
33: Implementation of Algorithms for Right-Sizing Data Centers