
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2021/8/22-28

1: Online Ride-Hitching in UAV Travelling
2: A Unified Framework for Hopsets and Spanners
3: Efficient Algorithms for Learning from Coarse Labels
4: A Framework for Computing Greedy Clique Cover
5: The Product of Gaussian Matrices is Close to Gaussian
6: The complexity of high-dimensional cuts
7: From Amortized to Worst Case Delay in Enumeration Algorithms
8: Approximation and parameterized algorithms to find balanced connected partitions of graphs
9: Deterministic Dynamic Matching In Worst-Case Update Time
10: The complexity of testing all properties of planar graphs, and the role of isomorphism
11: The staircase property: How hierarchical structure can guide deep learning
12: Succinct Data Structures for Series-Parallel, Block-Cactus and 3-Leaf Power Graphs
13: Randomized C/C++ dynamic memory allocator
14: On Specialization of a Program Model of Naive Pattern Matching in Strings (Extended Abstract)
15: Linear-Size Universal Discretization of Geometric Center-Based Problems in Fixed Dimensions
16: Star-Struck by Fixed Embeddings: Modern Crossing Number Heuristics
17: Faster Exponential Algorithm for Permutation Pattern Matching
18: Dynamic Structural Clustering on Graphs
19: Noise-Adaptive Quantum Compilation Strategies Evaluated with Application-Motivated Benchmarks
20: Approximation algorithms for the random-field Ising model
21: Truly Perfect Samplers for Data Streams and Sliding Windows
22: An Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method for Sampling
23: Quantum Sub-Gaussian Mean Estimator
24: The Stochastic Bilevel Continuous Knapsack Problem with Uncertain Follower’s Objective
25: Group Testing with Non-identical Infection Probabilities
26: An explicit vector algorithm for high-girth MaxCut
27: Renting Servers in the Cloud: The Case of Equal Duration Jobs
28: Positive Planar Satisfiability Problems under 3-Connectivity Constraints
29: Planar Straight-line Realizations of 2-Trees with Prescribed Edge Lengths
30: Clusters in Markov Chains via Singular Vectors of Laplacian Matrices