1: Fine-grained Meta-Theorems for Vertex Integrity
2: Transcoding Billions of Unicode Characters per Second with SIMD Instructions
3: On Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types and Equivocation in Byzantine Setups
4: A Note on the Modeling Power of Different Graph Types
5: Bounds on approximating Max $k$XOR with quantum and classical local algorithms
6: General Space-Time Tradeoffs via Relational Queries
7: Adversarially Robust Coloring for Graph Streams
8: Filling Crosswords is Very Hard
9: An algorithm for reconstructing level-2 phylogenetic networks from trinets
10: Quantum algorithms for group convolution, cross-correlation, and equivariant transformations
11: Partitioning an interval graph into subgraphs with small claws
12: Multidimensional Scaling: Approximation and Complexity
13: Outlier-Robust Sparse Estimation via Non-Convex Optimization
14: Faster $p$-Norm Regression Using Sparsity
15: The Mirror Langevin Algorithm Converges with Vanishing Bias
16: Vertebrate interval graphs
17: Connected Coordinated Motion Planning with Bounded Stretch
18: Group Evacuation on a Line by Agents with Different Communication Abilities
19: Hardness of Graph-Structured Algebraic and Symbolic Problems
20: Preemptive Two-stage Goal-Programming Formulation of a Strict Version of the Unbounded Knapsack Problem with Bounded Weights
21: Accelerating LSM-Tree with the Dentry Management of File System
22: Differentially Private Aggregation in the Shuffle Model: Almost Central Accuracy in Almost a Single Message
23: Algorithms for matrix multiplication via sampling and opportunistic matrix multiplication
24: On the Geometry of Stable Steiner Tree Instances