
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2021/10/22-28

1: User-Level Private Learning via Correlated Sampling
2: (Optimal) Online Bipartite Matching with Degree Information
3: Monotone edge flips to an orientation of maximum edge-connectivity `a la Nash-Williams
4: An O(1) algorithm for implementing the LFU cache eviction scheme
5: Pairwise Reachability Oracles and Preservers under Failures
6: An Efficient Branch-and-Bound Solver for Hitting Set
7: Incremental SSSP for Sparse Digraphs Beyond the Hopset Barrier
8: A Simple Boosting Framework for Transshipment
9: The Geometry of Tree-Based Sorting
10: Voting algorithms for unique games on complete graphs
11: Polynomial-Time Sum-of-Squares Can Robustly Estimate Mean and Covariance of Gaussians Optimally
12: Tight and Robust Private Mean Estimation with Few Users
13: A randomized quantum algorithm for statistical phase estimation
14: Approximating LCS and Alignment Distance over Multiple Sequences
15: New Bounds for the Flock-of-Birds Problem
16: Approximate Core for Committee Selection via Multilinear Extension and Market Clearing
17: Dynamic Influence Maximization
18: Collapsing the Tower – On the Complexity of Multistage Stochastic IPs
19: The diameter of caterpillar associahedra
20: Fast Multimodal Journey Planning for Three Criteria
21: Parameterized Convexity Testing
22: Can Q-Learning be Improved with Advice?
23: Quantum Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Linear Regression with Norm Constraints
24: Learning-Augmented Dynamic Power Management with Multiple States via New Ski Rental Bounds
25: SWAP Test for an Arbitrary Number of Quantum States
26: Sampling Multiple Nodes in Large Networks: Beyond Random Walks
27: Polynomial Integrality Gap of Flow LP for Directed Steiner Tree
28: Dynamic Trace Estimation
29: Linear Approximate Pattern Matching Algorithm
30: Learning-Augmented $k$-means Clustering
31: The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm at High Depth for MaxCut on Large-Girth Regular Graphs and the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model
32: SOAR: Minimizing Network Utilization with Bounded In-network Computing
33: Tight FPT Approximation for Constrained k-Center and k-Supplier
34: Most direct product of graphs are Type 1
35: Structural Parameterizations of Budgeted Graph Coloring
36: Active clustering for labeling training data
37: On Competitive Permutations for Set Cover by Intervals
38: Average-Case Subset Balancing Problems
39: Fairer LP-based Online Allocation via Analytic Center
40: An Efficient Reversible Algorithm for Linear Regression
41: Deterministic enumeration of all minimum cut-sets and $k$-cut-sets in hypergraphs for fixed $k$
42: Approximate Decomposable Submodular Function Minimization for Cardinality-Based Components
43: Better Sum Estimation via Weighted Sampling
44: Engineering Uniform Sampling of Graphs with a Prescribed Power-law Degree Sequence
45: Improved Strongly Polynomial Algorithms for Deterministic MDPs, 2VPI Feasibility, and Discounted All-Pairs Shortest Paths
46: A Framework for Parameterized Subexponential Algorithms for Generalized Cycle Hitting Problems on Planar Graphs
47: An efficient bundle-based approach for the share-a-ride problem
48: Online Facility Location with Linear Delay