
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2021/10/29-31

1: rustworkx: A High-Performance Graph Library for Python
2: Approximating the Arboricity in Sublinear Time
3: Coresets for Time Series Clustering
4: The Optimal Error Resilience of Interactive Communication Over Binary Channels
5: EPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk and Unit Ball Graphs
6: Recognizing k-leaf powers in polynomial time, for constant k
7: A Pre-processing Method for Fairness in Ranking
8: Improved Sliding Window Algorithms for Clustering and Coverage via Bucketing-Based Sketches
9: An $O(k \log{n})$ algorithm for prefix based ranked autocomplete
10: Computing Lewis Weights to High Precision
11: Assyrian merchants meet nuclear physicists: history of the early contributions from social sciences to computer science. The case of automatic pattern detection in graphs (1950s–1970s)
12: A sublinear query quantum algorithm for s-t minimum cut on dense simple graphs
13: Shortest Beer Path Queries in Outerplanar Graphs
14: Online Food Delivery to Minimize Maximum Flow Time
15: Better Lower Bounds for Shortcut Sets and Additive Spanners via an Improved Alternation Product
16: A New Algorithm based on Extent Bit-array for Computing Formal Concepts
17: Friendly Cut Sparsifiers and Faster Gomory-Hu Trees
18: Universally-Optimal Distributed Shortest Paths and Transshipment via Graph-Based L1-Oblivious Routing
19: On Small-Depth Tree Augmentations
20: Counting and Verifying Abelian Border Arrays of Binary Words
21: Twin-width VI: the lens of contraction sequences
22: Computing Matching Statistics on Repetitive Texts