1: Formal Barriers to Simple Algorithms for the Matroid Secretary Problem
2: Interactive Error Correcting Codes Over Binary Erasure Channels Resilient to $>\frac12$ Adversarial Corruption
3: Parallel Nearest Neighbors in Low Dimensions with Batch Updates
4: The Hardness Analysis of Thompson Sampling for Combinatorial Semi-bandits with Greedy Oracle
5: Succinct Data Structure for Path Graphs
6: Treewidth versus clique number. II. Tree-independence number
7: Time- and Space-Efficient Regular Path Queries on Graphs
8: An Improved Local Search Algorithm for k-Median
9: Graphs can be succinctly indexed for pattern matching in $ O(|E|^2 + |V|^{5 / 2}) $ time
10: A Private and Computationally-Efficient Estimator for Unbounded Gaussians
11: CORE: a Complex Event Recognition Engine
12: Efficiently Learning Any One Hidden Layer ReLU Network From Queries
13: Approximating Fair Clustering with Cascaded Norm Objectives
14: Active Linear Regression for $\ell_p$ Norms and Beyond
15: Nearly-Linear Time LP Solvers and Rounding Algorithms for Scheduling Problems
16: Breaking the Cubic Barrier for All-Pairs Max-Flow: Gomory-Hu Tree in Nearly Quadratic Time
17: Analysis of Work-Stealing and Parallel Cache Complexity
18: Pattern Matching on Grammar-Compressed Strings in Linear Time
19: An efficient branch-and-cut algorithm for the parallel drone scheduling traveling salesman problem
20: A PTAS for the horizontal rectangle stabbing problem
21: Computing Sparse Jacobians and Hessians Using Algorithmic Differentiation
22: Logarithmic Regret from Sublinear Hints
23: Competitive Sequencing with Noisy Advice
24: Robust Estimation for Random Graphs
25: Computing Area-Optimal Simple Polygonizations
26: Defensive Alliances in Graphs
27: Matrix anti-concentration inequalities with applications
28: Non-Adaptive Stochastic Score Classification and Explainable Halfspace Evaluation
29: Approximating bottleneck spanning trees on partitioned tuples of points
30: Generating faster algorithms for d-Path Vertex Cover
31: Takagi Function Identities on Dyadic Rationals
32: A 2-Dimensional Binary Search for Integer Pareto Frontiers
33: A 2-Approximation for the Bounded Treewidth Sparsest Cut Problem in FPT Time
34: Faster Goal-Oriented Shortest Path Search for Bulk and Incremental Detailed Routing
35: The Harmless Set Problem
36: Approximating Sparsest Cut in Low-Treewidth Graphs via Combinatorial Diameter
37: Online Discrepancy with Recourse for Vectors and Graphs
38: Enhanced Formulation for Guillotine 2D Cutting Problems
39: Non-Uniform $k$-Center and Greedy Clustering
40: Kalman Filtering with Adversarial Corruptions
41: Moser-Tardos Algorithm: Beyond Shearer’s Bound
42: A Competitive Algorithm for Throughput Maximization on Identical Machines
43: Robust and Optimal Contention Resolution without Collision Detection
44: Scalable Algorithms for Bicriterion Trip-Based Transit Routing
45: EPTAS for parallel identical machine scheduling with time restrictions
46: Faster Primal-Dual Convergence for Min-Max Resource Sharing and Stronger Bounds via Local Weak Duality
47: Random Order Set Cover is as Easy as Offline
48: Approximate Membership Query Filters with a False Positive Free Set
49: Hierarchical Clustering: New Bounds and Objective
50: Optimal Window Queries on Line Segments using the Trapezoidal Search DAG
51: Prefix Discrepancy, Smoothed Analysis, and Combinatorial Vector Balancing
52: Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Variants of Subset-Sum via Dynamic Programming
53: Cardinality constrained submodular maximization for random streams
54: Stochastic and Worst-Case Generalized Sorting Revisited
55: Online Max-min Fair Allocation
56: A Simple Approximation Algorithm for Vector Scheduling and Applications to Stochastic Min-Norm Load Balancing
57: Area-Optimal Simple Polygonalizations: The CG Challenge 2019