1: On the parallel complexity of Group Isomorphism via Weisfeiler-Leman
2: Rightsizing Clusters for Time-Limited Tasks
3: Causal Inference Despite Limited Global Confounding via Mixture Models
4: Parametrized Complexity of Quantum Inspired Algorithms
5: Breaching the 2-Approximation Barrier for the Forest Augmentation Problem
6: Online Graph Algorithms with Predictions
7: Dijkstras algorithm with predictions to solve the single-source many-targets shortest-path problem
8: An algorithm for generating random mixed-arity trees
9: Approximating Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi Diagrams: Efficient Construction with Linear Size
10: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Dicke State Preparation
11: Cardinality-constrained Distributionally Robust Portfolio Optimization
12: Dynamic Suffix Array with Sub-linear update time and Poly-logarithmic Lookup Time
13: Deterministic Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning
14: Quadratic speedup for spatial search by continuous-time quantum walk
15: The Quantum Trellis: A classical algorithm for sampling the parton shower with interference effects
16: Robust Secretary and Prophet Algorithms for Packing Integer Programs
17: Quantum Linear Algorithm for Edit Distance Using the Word QRAM Model
18: The probabilistic Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm
19: Faster Rates for Compressed Federated Learning with Client-Variance Reduction
20: Practical Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Defending Active Directory Style Attack Graphs
21: Modularity and partially observed graphs
22: Multi-relation Graph Summarization
23: Quantum Algorithm for the Shortest Superstring Problem
24: The Learning and Communication Complexity of Subsequence Containment
25: Fully Decentralized and Federated Low Rank Compressive Sensing
26: Quantum Algorithm for the Longest Trail Problem
27: Implicit regularity and linear convergence rates for the generalized trust-region subproblem
28: Fairness in Repetitive Scheduling
29: Faster Algorithms and Constant Lower Bounds for the Worst-Case Expected Error
30: Mixed-Integer Programming Using a Bosonic Quantum Computer
31: Online Allocation Problem with Two-sided Resource Constraints