1: Measure Estimation in the Barycentric Coding Model
2: Placing Green Bridges Optimally, with Habitats Inducing Cycles
3: Adaptive Accelerated (Extra-)Gradient Methods with Variance Reduction
4: Statistical anonymity: Quantifying reidentification risks without reidentifying users
5: Isomorphism testing of $k$-spanning tournaments is Fixed Parameter Tractable
6: Better Algorithms for Online Bin Stretching via Computer Search
7: The Complexity of Approximate Pattern Matching on De Bruijn Graphs
8: Efficient, Out-of-Memory Sparse MTTKRP on Massively Parallel Architectures
9: Private Boosted Decision Trees via Smooth Re-Weighting
10: Fast One-to-Many Multicriteria Shortest Path Search
11: An Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for Maximum Matching in Dynamic Streams
12: Polynomial-Time Approximation of Zero-Free Partition Functions
13: Solving Routing Problems via Important Cuts
14: OverChain: Building a robust overlay with a blockchain
15: A DFS Algorithm for Maximum Matchings in General Graphs
16: Comparison of Matrix Norm Sparsification
17: Asynchronous Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks
18: Optimality conditions for spatial search with multiple marked vertices
19: Rotting Infinitely Many-armed Bandits
20: Deep Discriminative to Kernel Density Graph for In- and Out-of-distribution Calibrated Inference
21: How Vulnerable is an Undirected Planar Graph with respect to Max Flow
22: Deletion Robust Submodular Maximization over Matroids
23: Polynomial kernels for edge modification problems towards block and strictly chordal graphs