1: Reducing the Vertex Cover Number via Edge Contractions
2: Approximation Algorithms for ROUND-UFP and ROUND-SAP
3: Smoothed Online Optimization with Unreliable Predictions
4: Temporal Walk Centrality: Ranking Nodes in Evolving Networks
5: A parallel algorithm for minimum weight set cover with small neighborhood property
6: Streaming word problems
7: OSM-tree: A Sortedness-Aware Index
8: Parsimonious Learning-Augmented Caching
9: Cartesian Tree Subsequence Matching
10: Constant Approximating Parameterized $k$-SetCover is W[2]-hard
11: Leverage Score Sampling for Tensor Product Matrices in Input Sparsity Time
12: Shortest Paths without a Map, but with an Entropic Regularizer
13: Sharper Rates for Separable Minimax and Finite Sum Optimization via Primal-Dual Extragradient Methods
14: Deploying Vaccine Distribution Sites for Improved Accessibility and Equity to Support Pandemic Response
15: The Landscape of Distributed Complexities on Trees and Beyond
16: Hardness Results for Laplacians of Simplicial Complexes via Sparse-Linear Equation Complete Gadgets
17: MONI can find k-MEMs
18: Low-Rank Approximation with $1/\epsilon^{1/3}$ Matrix-Vector Products
19: Improved Compression of the Okamura-Seymour Metric
20: Insertion Time of Random Walk Cuckoo Hashing below the Peeling Threshold
21: Improved bounds for randomly colouring simple hypergraphs
22: Edge-coloured graphs with only monochromatic perfect matchings and their connection to quantum physics
23: A Tight $(1.5+\epsilon)$-Approximation for Unsplittable Capacitated Vehicle Routing on Trees
24: Collaborative Dispersion by Silent Robots
25: Privately Estimating Graph Parameters in Sublinear time
26: The complexity of computing optimum labelings for temporal connectivity
27: Fast and perfect sampling of subgraphs and polymer systems
28: Tight Approximation Algorithms for Two Dimensional Guillotine Strip Packing
29: New Approximation Algorithms for Fair $k$-median Problem
30: Locating Charging Stations: Connected, Capacitated and Prize- Collecting
31: Generalized Unrelated Machine Scheduling Problem
32: Fast algorithm for overcomplete order-3 tensor decomposition
33: On Triangle Counting Parameterized by Twin-Width