
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/4/15-21

1: On The Complexity of Matching Cut for Graphs of Bounded Radius and $H$-Free Graphs
2: Testing distributional assumptions of learning algorithms
3: Structural Analysis of Branch-and-Cut and the Learnability of Gomory Mixed Integer Cuts
4: Data structures for computing unique palindromes in static and non-static strings
5: Finding Hall blockers by matrix scaling
6: Scheduling Coflows for Minimizing the Total Weighted Completion Time in Heterogeneous Parallel Networks
7: Local treewidth of random and noisy graphs with applications to stopping contagion in networks
8: On representing the degree sequences of sublogarithmic-degree Wheeler graphs
9: Optimally Reconfiguring List and Correspondence Colourings
10: A New Dynamic Algorithm for Densest Subhypergraphs
11: Deterministic Low-Diameter Decompositions for Weighted Graphs and Distributed and Parallel Applications
12: Communication Bounds for Convolutional Neural Networks
13: Practical KMP/BM Style Pattern-Matching on Indeterminate Strings
14: Distributed MIS in $O(\log\log{n} )$ Awake Complexity
15: Awake Complexity of Distributed Minimum Spanning Tree
16: Low Degree Testing over the Reals
17: Independence Testing for Bounded Degree Bayesian Network
18: Unit-Disk Range Searching and Applications
19: Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for the Kneser and Schrijver Problems
20: Massively Parallel Computation on Embedded Planar Graphs
21: Representation of short distances in structurally sparse graphs
22: The White-Box Adversarial Data Stream Model
23: Counting and enumerating optimum cut sets for hypergraph $k$-partitioning problems for fixed $k$
24: Tight Last-Iterate Convergence of the Extragradient and the Optimistic Gradient Descent-Ascent Algorithm for Constrained Monotone Variational Inequalities
25: Theoretical analysis of edit distance algorithms: an applied perspective
26: Fast Circular Pattern Matching
27: Memory Bounds for the Experts Problem
28: Motif Cut Sparsifiers
29: Adapting Stable Matchings to Forced and Forbidden Pairs