
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/5/29-31

1: Stochastic Gradient Methods with Compressed Communication for Decentralized Saddle Point Problems
2: Overcoming Congestion in Distributed Coloring
3: Spatial Locality and Granularity Change in Caching
4: Generalized Stochastic Matching
5: Non-Stationary Bandits under Recharging Payoffs: Improved Planning with Sublinear Regret
6: Near Optimal Bounds for Replacement Paths and Related Problems in the CONGEST Model
7: Fast Distance Oracles for Any Symmetric Norm
8: Daisy Bloom Filters
9: Fully Polynomial-Time Distributed Computation in Low-Treewidth Graphs
10: QB-II for Evaluating the Reliability of Binary-State Networks
11: Universally-Optimal Distributed Exact Min-Cut
12: Approximating k-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraphs via a Near-Linear Time LP Solver
13: Combining E-Graphs with Abstract Interpretation
14: On the External Validity of Average-Case Analyses of Graph Algorithms
15: Improved Algorithms for Bandit with Graph Feedback via Regret Decomposition
16: On algorithmic applications of sim-width and mim-width of $(H_1, H_2)$-free graphs
17: Optimal and Adaptive Monteiro-Svaiter Acceleration
18: Differentiable Invariant Causal Discovery
19: The CLRS Algorithmic Reasoning Benchmark