
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/6/22-28

1: Near-Linear $\varepsilon$-Emulators for Planar Graphs
2: Sharp Constants in Uniformity Testing via the Huber Statistic
3: A Study on Modularity Density Maximization: Column Generation Acceleration and Computational Complexity Analysis
4: List-Decodable Covariance Estimation
5: Sparse Temporal Spanners with Low Stretch
6: Ordered Subgraph Aggregation Networks
7: Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Socially Fair $k$-Clustering
8: Dispersing Obnoxious Facilities on Graphs by Rounding Distances
9: Online Bipartite Matching with Advice: Tight Robustness-Consistency Tradeoffs for the Two-Stage Model
10: Misinformation Mitigation under Differential Propagation Rates and Temporal Penalties
11: A Hybrid Adjacency and Time-Based Data Structure for Analysis of Temporal Networks
12: Hierarchical Agglomerative Graph Clustering in Poly-Logarithmic Depth
13: Inferring Tie Strength in Temporal Networks
14: Longest Common Subsequence: Tabular vs. Closed-Form Equation Computation of Subsequence Probability
15: Chasing Convex Bodies and Functions with Black-Box Advice
16: Algorithms for 2-connected network design and flexible Steiner trees with a constant number of terminals
17: STREAMLINE: A Simple, Transparent, End-To-End Automated Machine Learning Pipeline Facilitating Data Analysis and Algorithm Comparison
18: Learning Augmented Binary Search Trees
19: On the Optimisation of the GSACA Suffix Array Construction Algorithm
20: Relative Survivable Network Design
21: A transient equivalence between Aldous-Broder and Wilson’s algorithms and a two-stage framework for generating uniform spanning trees
22: Popular Critical Matchings in the Many-to-Many Setting
23: Computing the Minimum Bottleneck Moving Spanning Tree
24: Maximum independent set (stable set) problem: Computational testing with binary search and convex programming using a bin packing approach
25: PalFM-index: FM-index for Palindrome Pattern Matching
26: Towards a Tighter Bound on Possible-Rendezvous Areas: Preliminary Results
27: Applications of Recursively Defined Data Structures
28: Bounding the Width of Neural Networks via Coupled Initialization – A Worst Case Analysis
29: Hardness of Interval Scheduling on Unrelated Machines
30: $k$-Median Clustering via Metric Embedding: Towards Better Initialization with Differential Privacy
31: On the Impossibility of Decomposing Binary Matroids
32: Balancing Run-Length Straight-Line Programs(star)
33: Beating Greedy Matching in Sublinear Time
34: Optimal Private Payoff Manipulation against Commitment in Extensive-form Games
35: Quantum Regularized Least Squares
36: Clipping and Intersection Algorithms: Short Survey and References
37: Recognition and Isomorphism of Proper $\boldsymbol{U}$-graphs in FPT-time
38: Faster Exponential-Time Approximation Algorithms Using Approximate Monotone Local Search
39: Online Resource Allocation under Horizon Uncertainty
40: On Relaxation of Dominant Sets
41: Improving Correlation Capture in Generating Imbalanced Data using Differentially Private Conditional GANs
42: Sublinear-Time Clustering Oracle for Signed Graphs
43: Which arithmetic operations can be performed in constant time in the RAM model with addition?
44: Subsequences With Gap Constraints: Complexity Bounds for Matching and Analysis Problems
45: Novel Recursive Inclusion-Exclusion Technology Based on BAT and MPs for Heterogeneous-Arc Binary-State Network Reliability Problems