
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/7/29-31

1: Cryptographic Hardness of Learning Halfspaces with Massart Noise
2: Implementing the Diverting Fast Radix Algorithm
3: Locally-iterative $(\Delta+1)$-Coloring in Sublinear (in $\Delta$) Rounds
4: Pattern matching algorithms in Blockchain for network fees reduction
5: Enhanced Methods for the Weight Constrained Shortest Path Problem
6: Fermionic tomography and learning
7: Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Using Conventional and Approximation Method
8: Polynomial-Time Power-Sum Decomposition of Polynomials
9: Few Quantum Algorithms on Amplitude Distribution
10: Streaming Algorithms for Diversity Maximization with Fairness Constraints
11: An Improved A(star) Search Algorithm for Road Networks Using New Heuristic Estimation