1: Counting Cycles on Planar Graphs in Subexponential Time
2: Individual Fairness under Varied Notions of Group Fairness in Bipartite Matching - One Framework to Approximate Them All
3: Locally Defined Independence Systems on Graphs
4: Simple and Optimal Stochastic Gradient Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization
5: Socially Fair Center-based and Linear Subspace Clustering
6: ~{O}ptimal Dual Vertex Failure Connectivity Labels
7: Deterministic Graph-Walking Program Mining
8: Approximate sorting and its application in I/O model
9: Graph Connectivity with Noisy Queries
10: Estimation Contracts for Outlier-Robust Geometric Perception
11: Simpler and Better Cardinality Estimators for HyperLogLog and PCSA
12: Efficiency of the First-Price Auction in the Autobidding World
13: Regularized impurity reduction: Accurate decision trees with complexity guarantees
14: Derandomizing Directed Random Walks in Almost-Linear Time
15: A Generalization of the Shortest Path Problem to Graphs with Multiple Edge-Cost Estimates
16: Resolving Matrix Spencer Conjecture Up to Poly-logarithmic Rank
17: Spectral Telescope: Convergence Rate Bounds for Random-Scan Gibbs Samplers Based on a Hierarchical Structure
18: Improved Scheduling of Morphing Edge Drawing
19: Fast Primal-Dual Update against Local Weight Update in Linear Assignment Problem and Its Application
20: Advanced Tools and Methods for Treewidth-Based Problem Solving – Extended Abstract
21: Hierarchical Relative Lempel-Ziv Compression
22: Online Algorithms for Matchings with Proportional Fairness Constraints and Diversity Constraints
23: st-Orientations with Few Transitive Edges
24: Towards a Lower Bound for the Average Case Runtime of Simulated Annealing on TSP
25: Deterministic Fault-Tolerant Connectivity Labeling Scheme
26: ProbGraph: High-Performance and High-Accuracy Graph Mining with Probabilistic Set Representations
27: A Slightly Improved Bound for the KLS Constant
28: A Simpler Proof that Pairing Heaps Take O(1) Amortized Time per Insertion
29: LightAMR format standard and lossless compression algorithms for adaptive mesh refinement grids: RAMSES use case
30: Learning to Prune Instances of Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs
31: Partial Matrix Completion
32: Four Algorithms for Correlation Clustering: A Survey
33: Computing Clique Cover with Structural Parameterization
34: Testing Upward Planarity of Partial $2$-Trees
35: Rectilinear Planarity of Partial 2-Trees
36: LUCID: Exposing Algorithmic Bias through Inverse Design
37: Efficiently Computing the Shapley Value of Connectivity Games in Low-Treewidth Graphs