
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/9/08-14

1: Synthesizing efficient circuits for Hamiltonian simulation
2: Epic Fail: Emulators can tolerate polynomially many edge faults for free
3: Packing $K_r$s in bounded degree graphs
4: Routing permutations on spectral expanders via matchings
5: Opponent Indifference in Rating Systems: A Theoretical Case for Sonas
6: Algorithms with More Granular Differential Privacy Guarantees
7: Tensor Reconstruction Beyond Constant Rank
8: Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2022)
9: Non-convex Quadratic Programming Using Coherent Optical Networks
10: Experiments and a User Study for Hierarchical Drawings of Graphs
11: Spectral hypergraph sparsification via chaining
12: PGAbB: A Block-Based Graph Processing Framework for Heterogeneous Platforms
13: Bayan Algorithm: Detecting Communities in Networks Through Exact and Approximate Optimization of Modularity
14: An EPTAS for Budgeted Matroid Independent Set
15: Growing a Random Maximal Independent Set Produces a 2-approximate Vertex Cover
16: Structured $(\min,+)$-Convolution And Its Applications For The Shortest Vector, Closest Vector, and Separable Nonlinear Knapsack Problems
17: Hard Optimization Problems have Soft Edges
18: Revolutionizing Binary Decision Tree Traversals with Arithmetical Representations
19: An Improved Algorithm For Online Min-Sum Set Cover
20: Subquadratic Kronecker Regression with Applications to Tensor Decomposition
21: Cores of Games via Total Dual Integrality, with Applications to Perfect Graphs and Polymatroids
22: Dynamic Subset Sum with Truly Sublinear Processing Time
23: QUBO formulations for NP-Hard spanning tree problems
24: On finding short reconfiguration sequences between independent sets
25: Polynomial time multiplication and normal forms in free bands
26: Efficient query evaluation techniques over large amount of distributed linked data
27: Unsplittable Euclidean Capacitated Vehicle Routing: A $(2+\epsilon)$-Approximation Algorithm
28: A Note on the Quickest Minimum Cost Transshipment Problem
29: An Improved Lower Bound for Matroid Intersection Prophet Inequalities
30: Space Optimal Vertex Cover in Dynamic Streams
31: Fast Algorithms for Monotone Lower Subsets of Kronecker Least Squares Problems
32: Recovery from Non-Decomposable Distance Oracles
33: A Hash Table Without Hash Functions, and How to Get the Most Out of Your Random Bits
34: Scheduling Algorithms for Federated Learning with Minimal Energy Consumption
35: Algorithmic (Semi-)Conjugacy via Koopman Operator Theory
36: Performance Evaluation of Parallel Algorithms