
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/10/08-14

1: An Approximation Algorithm for Distance-Constrained Vehicle Routing on Trees
2: How to Make Your Approximation Algorithm Private: A Black-Box Differentially-Private Transformation for Tunable Approximation Algorithms of Functions with Low Sensitivity
3: A Finite Algorithm for the Realizabilty of a Delaunay Triangulation
4: Dynamic Tensor Product Regression
5: Selection and Ordering Policies for Hiring Pipelines via Linear Programming
6: IcebergHT: High Performance PMEM Hash Tables Through Stability and Low Associativity
7: Learning on the Edge: Online Learning with Stochastic Feedback Graphs
8: An Instance Selection Algorithm for Big Data in High imbalanced datasets based on LSH
9: Depth-First Grover Search Algorithm on Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computer
10: A Hierarchical Grouping Algorithm for the Multi-Vehicle Dial-a-Ride Problem
11: Identifying Difficult exercises in an eTextbook Using Item Response Theory and Logged Data Analysis
12: Morphing Planar Graph Drawings Through 3D
13: Enhancing Branch-and-Bound for Multi-Objective 0-1 Programming
14: Hierarchical Categories in Colored Searching
15: Parallel solutions for preemptive makespan scheduling on two identical machines
16: The IID Prophet Inequality with Limited Flexibility
17: The Power of Two Matrices in Spectral Algorithms for Community Recovery
18: Resolving the Approximability of Offline and Online Non-monotone DR-Submodular Maximization over General Convex Sets
19: Clustering the Sketch: A Novel Approach to Embedding Table Compression
20: A nearly optimal randomized algorithm for explorable heap selection
21: Fast Convergence to Unanimity in Dense Erd\H{o}s-R'enyi Graphs
22: Non-Smooth, H"older-Smooth, and Robust Submodular Maximization
23: Differentially Private Bootstrap: New Privacy Analysis and Inference Strategies
24: Quantum Optimisation for Continuous Multivariable Functions by a Structured Search
25: Superpolynomial Lower Bounds for Decision Tree Learning and Testing
26: Quantum divide and conquer
27: Exact and approximation algorithms for sensor placement against DDoS attacks
28: Sample Constrained Treatment Effect Estimation
29: On the Minimum Cycle Cover problem on graphs with bounded co-degeneracy
30: Perfect matching cuts partitioning a graph into complementary subgraphs
31: On the Efficient Implementation of High Accuracy Optimality of Profile Maximum Likelihood
32: Computing the Best Case Energy Complexity of Satisfying Assignments in Monotone Circuits
33: An $\alpha$-regret analysis of Adversarial Bilateral Trade
34: Beeping Shortest Paths via Hypergraph Bipartite Decomposition
35: Delta-Closure Structure for Studying Data Distribution
36: Online matching with delays and stochastic arrival times
37: Threshold Treewidth and Hypertree Width
38: Efficient Algorithms for Obnoxious Facility Location on a Line Segment or Circle
39: Condition-number-independent convergence rate of Riemannian Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with numerical integrators
40: Online Algorithms for the Santa Claus Problem
41: The Power of Multi-Step Vizing Chains
42: Time-Space Tradeoffs for Element Distinctness and Set Intersection via Pseudorandomness
43: A Constructive Prophet Inequality Approach to The Adaptive ProbeMax Problem
44: GriT-DBSCAN: A Spatial Clustering Algorithm for Very Large Databases
45: Parallel solutions for ordinal scheduling with a small number of machines
46: s-Club Cluster Vertex Deletion on Interval and Well-Partitioned Chordal Graphs
47: (1,1)-Cluster Editing is Polynomial-time Solvable