1: Algorithms with Prediction Portfolios
2: Discrepancy Minimization in Input-Sparsity Time
3: Quartic Samples Suffice for Fourier Interpolation
4: Edge-weighted Online Stochastic Matching: Beating $1-\frac1e$
5: Sublinear-Time Algorithms for Max Cut, Max E2Lin$(q)$, and Unique Label Cover on Expanders
6: Kadabra: Adapting Kademlia for the Decentralized Web
7: A Stack-Free Traversal Algorithm for Left-Balanced k-d Trees
8: Certifying Induced Subgraphs in Large Graphs
9: Locality-Preserving Minimal Perfect Hashing of k-mers
10: Towards an Understanding of Long-Tailed Runtimes of SLS Algorithms
11: A Practical Distributed ADMM Solver for Billion-Scale Generalized Assignment Problems
12: Learning and Covering Sums of Independent Random Variables with Unbounded Support
13: Edge-Cuts and Rooted Spanning Trees
14: Improved Bi-point Rounding Algorithms and a Golden Barrier for $k$-Median
15: Worst-Case Adaptive Submodular Cover
16: Gaussian Mean Testing Made Simple
17: Deterministic Small Vertex Connectivity in Almost Linear Time
18: Online and Bandit Algorithms Beyond $\ell_p$ Norms
19: Tight analysis of the lazy algorithm for open online dial-a-ride
20: An Improved Algorithm for Open Online Dial-a-Ride
21: Efficient and Stable Fully Dynamic Facility Location
22: An Efficient Dynamic Multi-Sources To Single-Destination (DMS-SD) Algorithm In Smart City Navigation Using Adjacent Matrix
23: Streaming Submodular Maximization with Differential Privacy
24: WebCrack: Dynamic Dictionary Adjustment for Web Weak Password Detection based on Blasting Response Event Discrimination
25: Inapproximability of shortest paths on perfect matching polytopes
26: Highly unbreakable graph with a fixed excluded minor are almost rigid
27: Fixed-parameter tractability of Graph Isomorphism in graphs with an excluded minor
28: Coresets for Vertical Federated Learning: Regularized Linear Regression and $K$-Means Clustering
29: Online TSP with Known Locations
30: Learning versus Refutation in Noninteractive Local Differential Privacy
31: Learning to predict arbitrary quantum processes
32: LinearCoFold and LinearCoPartition: Linear-Time Algorithms for Secondary Structure Prediction of Interacting RNA molecules
33: Counting Perfect Matchings in Dense Graphs Is Hard
34: Faster Linear Algebra for Distance Matrices
35: Anonymized Histograms in Intermediate Privacy Models
36: A framework of distributionally robust possibilistic optimization
37: AnyDijkstra, an algorithm to compute shortest paths on images with anytime properties
38: In-stream Probabilistic Cardinality Estimation for Bloom Filters
39: DESSERT: An Efficient Algorithm for Vector Set Search with Vector Set Queries
40: Parallel Self-Avoiding Walks for a Low-Autocorrelation Binary Sequences Problem