
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/11/08-14

1: Approximation algorithms for Node-weighted Steiner Problems: Digraphs with Additive Prizes and Graphs with Submodular Prizes
2: Simple Set Sketching
3: Additive Noise Mechanisms for Making Randomized Approximation Algorithms Differentially Private
4: Asymptotics of the Sketched Pseudoinverse
5: Further Improvements on Approximating the Uniform Cost-Distance Steiner Tree Problem
6: From approximate to exact integer programming
7: Nearly optimal independence oracle algorithms for edge estimation in hypergraphs
8: Approximating Nash Social Welfare by Matching and Local Search
9: A deterministic near-linear time approximation scheme for geometric transportation
10: Query Complexity of the Metric Steiner Tree Problem
11: Improved Streaming Algorithms for Maximum Directed Cut via Smoothed Snapshots
12: On the amortized complexity of approximate counting
13: Fast Algorithms for $\ell_p$-Regression
14: Optimal Smoothed Analysis and Quantitative Universality for the Smallest Singular Value of Random Matrices
15: Computing palindromes on a trie in linear time
16: Online Decision Making with Nonconvex Local and Convex Global Constraints
17: Comparing Two Counting Methods for Estimating the Probabilities of Strings
18: Improved Pattern-Avoidance Bounds for Greedy BSTs via Matrix Decomposition
19: Computing better approximate pure Nash equilibria in cut games via semidefinite programming
20: Prophet Inequality: Order selection beats random order
21: Deterministic Incremental APSP with Polylogarithmic Update Time and Stretch
22: Tight Complexity Bounds for Counting Generalized Dominating Sets in Bounded-Treewidth Graphs Part I: Algorithmic Results
23: A Characterization of List Learnability
24: Extracting and Pre-Processing Event Logs
25: Why we couldn’t prove SETH hardness of the Closest Vector Problem for even norms!
26: Summation Problem Revisited – More Robust Computation
27: Sampling from convex sets with a cold start using multiscale decompositions
28: A Local Search-Based Approach for Set Covering
29: Computing Square Colorings on Bounded-Treewidth and Planar Graphs
30: On the cut-query complexity of approximating max-cut
31: On Instance-Optimal Algorithms for a Generalization of Nuts and Bolts and Generalized Sorting
32: Computing (1+epsilon)-Approximate Degeneracy in Sublinear Time
33: A 4/3-Approximation Algorithm for Half-Integral Cycle Cut Instances of the TSP
34: Faster Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Matrix Multiplication over Finite Fields using Lookup Tables
35: Lipschitz Continuous Algorithms for Graph Problems
36: Tight Bounds for Vertex Connectivity in Dynamic Streams
37: Shortest Cycles With Monotone Submodular Costs
38: On the distance-edge-monitoring numbers of graphs
39: An iterative approach for counting reduced ordered binary decision diagrams
40: Sampling an Edge in Sublinear Time Exactly and Optimally
41: Fast and Scalable Channels in Kotlin Coroutines
42: A Nearly Time-Optimal Distributed Approximation of Minimum Cost $k$-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraph
43: Almost Tight Error Bounds on Differentially Private Continual Counting
44: On Minimizing Tardy Processing Time, Max-Min Skewed Convolution, and Triangular Structured ILPs
45: Streaming algorithms for the missing item finding problem
46: Fully-dynamic-to-incremental reductions with known deletion order (e.g. sliding window)
47: Smaller Low-Depth Circuits for Kronecker Powers
48: Directed Isoperimetric Theorems for Boolean Functions on the Hypergrid and an $\widetilde{O}(n\sqrt{d})$ Monotonicity Tester
49: Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: Dimension vs Data Reduction
50: Winner Determination Algorithms for Graph Games with Matching Structures
51: Finding Triangles and Other Small Subgraphs in Geometric Intersection Graphs
52: A rate-compatible solution to the set reconciliation problem
53: An O(loglog n)-Approximation for Submodular Facility Location
54: Discrepancy Minimization via Regularization
55: Column Generation for Optimization Problems in Communication Networks
56: A new data structure for efficient search on isovists
57: The Randomized $k$-Server Conjecture is False!
58: Steiner Connectivity Augmentation and Splitting-off in Poly-logarithmic Maximum Flows
59: A New Conjecture on Hardness of Low-Degree 2-CSP’s with Implications to Hardness of Densest $k$-Subgraph and Other Problems
60: Accelerating Irregular Applications via Efficient Synchronization and Data Access Techniques
61: Dynamic Curing and Network Design in SIS Epidemic Processes
62: A Faster Small Treewidth SDP Solver
63: External-memory dictionaries with worst-case update cost
64: Extended Formulations via Decision Diagrams
65: A Dynamic MaxSAT-based Approach to Directed Feedback Vertex Sets
66: Approximate Max-Flow Min-Multicut Theorem for Graphs of Bounded Treewidth
67: Spectral Triadic Decompositions of Real-World Networks
68: ~Optimal Differentially Private Learning of Thresholds and Quasi-Concave Optimization
69: Re-Analyze Gauss: Bounds for Private Matrix Approximation via Dyson Brownian Motion
70: Faster Walsh-Hadamard and Discrete Fourier Transforms From Matrix Non-Rigidity
71: On maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs of undirected graphs
72: Multi-Epoch Matrix Factorization Mechanisms for Private Machine Learning
73: Hypercubes and Hamilton cycles of display sets of rooted phylogenetic networks
74: Online Search with Predictions: Pareto-optimal Algorithm and its Applications in Energy Markets
75: Approximation Algorithms for Drone Delivery Scheduling Problem
76: Distributed and secure linear algebra – Master Thesis
77: Near-Linear Sample Complexity for $L_p$ Polynomial Regression
78: Improved Dynamic Colouring of Sparse Graphs
79: Parallel and I/O-Efficient Algorithms for Non-Linear Preferential Attachment
80: Computable Bounds and Monte Carlo Estimates of the Expected Edit Distance
81: Having Hope in Hops: New Spanners, Preservers and Lower Bounds for Hopsets
82: Online Correlation Clustering for Dynamic Complete Signed Graphs
83: Kernelization for Partial Vertex Cover via (Additive) Expansion Lemma
84: Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Domination Problem
85: A Local-to-Global Theorem for Congested Shortest Paths
86: Removing Additive Structure in 3SUM-Based Reductions
87: Stronger 3-SUM Lower Bounds for Approximate Distance Oracles via Additive Combinatorics
88: The $\ell_p$-Subspace Sketch Problem in Small Dimensions with Applications to Support Vector Machines
89: An Improved Parameterized Algorithm for Treewidth
90: Bellman-Ford is optimal for shortest hop-bounded paths
91: A ride time-oriented scheduling algorithm for dial-a-ride problems
92: Complete Decomposition of Symmetric Tensors in Linear Time and Polylogarithmic Precision