
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2022/12/01-07

1: Fair Ranking with Noisy Protected Attributes
2: Nonmonontone submodular maximization under routing constraints
3: (No) Quantum space-time tradeoff for USTCON
4: Sublinear Algorithms for $(1.5+\epsilon)$-Approximate Matching
5: AC-Band: A Combinatorial Bandit-Based Approach to Algorithm Configuration
6: Tight Conditional Lower Bounds for Vertex Connectivity Problems
7: An Improved Time-Efficient Approximate Kernelization for Connected Treedepth Deletion Set
8: Subquadratic Weighted Matroid Intersection Under Rank Oracles
9: Unexpected Scaling in Path Copying Trees
10: Sub-quadratic Algorithms for Kernel Matrices via Kernel Density Estimation
11: Clustering What Matters: Optimal Approximation for Clustering with Outliers
12: Fully-Dynamic Decision Trees
13: Trie-Compressed Intersectable Sets
14: Bin Packing with Partition Matroid can be Approximated within $o(OPT)$ Bins
15: Computing the optimal BWT of very large string collections
16: Pandora’s Problem with Nonobligatory Inspection: Optimal Structure and a PTAS
17: A Quantum Algorithm Framework for Discrete Probability Distributions with Applications to R'enyi Entropy Estimation
18: Parameterized temporal exploration problems
19: Parameterized Approximation for Maximum Weight Independent Set of Rectangles and Segments
20: Notes on the complexity of coverings for Kronecker powers of symmetric matrices
21: Clustering Permutations: New Techniques with Streaming Applications
22: Bagging is an Optimal PAC Learner
23: Space-efficient conversions from SLPs
24: Two 6-approximation Algorithms for the Stochastic Score Classification Problem
25: Robustness of Quantum Algorithms for Nonconvex Optimization
26: Collabs: A Flexible and Performant CRDT Collaboration Framework
27: Stars: Tera-Scale Graph Building for Clustering and Graph Learning
28: Low Power Mesh Algorithms for Image Problems
29: Improved Approximation Schemes for (Un-)Bounded Subset-Sum and Partition
30: Sparsity-Dimension Trade-Offs for Oblivious Subspace Embeddings
31: A Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Approximate Forster Transforms and its Application to Halfspace Learning
32: Online Min-Max Paging
33: Improved Algebraic Degeneracy Testing
34: Pareto Optimal Compression of Genomic Dictionaries, with or without Random Access in Main Memory
35: Inapproximability of Counting Independent Sets in Linear Hypergraphs
36: Extending Snow’s algorithm for computations in the finite Weyl groups
37: Quantum Worst-Case to Average-Case Reductions for All Linear Problems
38: Extending Utility Functions on Arbitrary Sets
39: A Decision Diagram Operation for Reachability
40: Density Approximation for Moving Groups