1: Sublinear Time Algorithms for Several Geometric Optimization (With Outliers) Problems In Machine Learning
2: Assigning Agents to Increase Network-Based Neighborhood Diversity
3: Abstract Huffman Coding and PIFO Tree Embeddings
4: Quantum Honest Byzantine Agreement as a Distributed Quantum Algorithm
5: SeedTree: A Dynamically Optimal and Local Self-Adjusting Tree
6: Dynamic Binary Search Trees: Improved Lower Bounds for the Greedy-Future Algorithm
7: Structural Equivalence in Subgraph Matching
8: Subset verification and search algorithms for causal DAGs
9: Space-Query Tradeoffs in Range Subgraph Counting and Listing
10: Simple Binary Hypothesis Testing under Local Differential Privacy and Communication Constraints
11: Stream-K: Work-centric Parallel Decomposition for Dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on the GPU
12: Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Expanding Search Problem
13: Quantum Speedups for Zero-Sum Games via Improved Dynamic Gibbs Sampling
14: Proportionally Fair Matching with Multiple Groups
15: Maintaining Triconnected Components under Node Expansion
16: Change Propagation Without Joins
17: On the Complexity of the Two-Stage Majoritarian Rule
18: On Knuthâs conjecture for back and forward arcs in Depth First Search in a random digraph with geometric outdegree distribution
19: The Basis of Design Tools for Quantum Computing: Arrays, Decision Diagrams, Tensor Networks, and ZX-Calculus
20: Linear Time Online Algorithms for Constructing Linear-size Suffix Trie
21: A Note on Property Testing of the Binary Rank
22: Private estimation algorithms for stochastic block models and mixture models
23: Distance-2-Dispersion: Dispersion with Further Constraints
24: Synergies Between Operations Research and Quantum Information Science
25: Quantum algorithm for finding minimum values in a Quantum Random Access Memory
26: Computing m-Eternal Domination Number of Cactus Graphs in Linear Time
27: Incremental Dead State Detection in Logarithmic Time
28: Computing matching statistics on Wheeler DFAs
29: Sublinear Algorithms for TSP via Path Covers
30: Quick Minimization of Tardy Processing Time on a Single Machine
31: Differentially Private Continual Releases of Streaming Frequency Moment Estimations
32: Streaming Lower Bounds and Asymmetric Set-Disjointness
33: Non-Stochastic CDF Estimation Using Threshold Queries
34: On a conjecture of Knuth about forward and back arcs
35: Dynamic Demand-Aware Link Scheduling for Reconfigurable Datacenters
36: Weighted Minwise Hashing Beats Linear Sketching for Inner Product Estimation