1: Massively Parallel Computation in a Heterogeneous Regime
2: Heuristic Modularity Maximization Algorithms for Community Detection Rarely Return an Optimal Partition or Anything Similar
3: Parameterized Complexity of Vertex Splitting to Pathwidth at most 1
4: DAG-Inducing Problems and Algorithms
5: High Probability Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Methods
6: Non-crossing Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles in Output-Polynomial Time
7: Improved Quantum Query Complexity on Easier Inputs
8: Is Planted Coloring Easier than Planted Clique?
9: Computing All Restricted Skyline Probabilities on Uncertain Datasets
10: Sampling with Barriers: Faster Mixing via Lewis Weights
11: A linear time algorithm for linearizing quadratic and higher-order shortest path problems
12: Computing the Best Policy That Survives a Vote
13: Towards Space Efficient Two-Point Shortest Path Queries in a Polygonal Domain
14: Robust and Practical Solution of Laplacian Equations by Approximate Elimination
15: Coordination of Multiple Robots along Given Paths with Bounded Junction Complexity
16: Scarf’s algorithm and stable marriages
17: Parallel and Distributed Exact Single-Source Shortest Paths with Negative Edge Weights
18: Predictive Flows for Faster Ford-Fulkerson
19: Pandora’s Problem with Combinatorial Cost
20: Quantum Channel Certification with Incoherent Strategies
21: Choosing Public Datasets for Private Machine Learning via Gradient Subspace Distance
22: Solving Distance-constrained Labeling Problems for Small Diameter Graphs via TSP
23: Coresets for Clustering in Geometric Intersection Graphs
24: Improved Algorithms for Monotone Moldable Job Scheduling using Compression and Convolution
25: Distributed Deep Multilevel Graph Partitioning
26: Improved Space Bounds for Learning with Experts
27: Faster exact and approximation algorithms for packing and covering matroids via push-relabel
28: An Improved Classical Singular Value Transformation for Quantum Machine Learning
29: Near Optimal Memory-Regret Tradeoff for Online Learning
30: Streaming Algorithms for Learning with Experts: Deterministic Versus Robust
31: Tight bounds for the sensitivity of CDAWGs with left-end edits
32: Linear Space Data Structures for Finite Groups with Constant Query-time
33: On Maximum Bipartite Matching with Separation
34: Fast American Option Pricing using Nonlinear Stencils
35: Efficient maximal cliques enumeration in weakly closed graphs
36: Process Equivalence Problems as Energy Games
37: Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamical Systems
38: Optimizing Low Dimensional Functions over the Integers
39: Electrical Flows for Polylogarithmic Competitive Oblivious Routing
40: Geometric Batch Optimization for the Packing Equal Circles in a Circle Problem on Large Scale
41: Force-Directed Graph Layouts Revisited: A New Force Based on the T-Distribution
42: Expansion Lemma – Variations and Applications to Polynomial-Time Preprocessing
43: The Complexity of Geodesic Spanners
44: A Simple 2-Approximation for Maximum-Leaf Spanning Tree
45: Quantum Algorithm for Path-Edge Sampling
46: Computing Effective Resistances on Large Graphs Based on Approximate Inverse of Cholesky Factor
47: Fairness-aware Maximal Biclique Enumeration on Bipartite Graphs
48: Complete Log Concavity of Coverage-Like Functions