1: Cops and Robbers on Multi-Layer Graphs
2: Diversity Embeddings and the Hypergraph Sparsest Cut
3: Investigating the complexity of the double distance problems
4: Polynomial Time and Private Learning of Unbounded Gaussian Mixture Models
5: Optimal Sparse Recovery with Decision Stumps
6: Change a Bit to save Bytes: Compression for Floating Point Time-Series Data
7: Streaming Kernel PCA Algorithm With Small Space
8: B-Treaps Revised: Write Efficient Randomized Block Search Trees with High Load
9: Interior-point methods on manifolds: theory and applications
10: Smoothed Analysis of Sequential Probability Assignment
11: Parallel Strong Connectivity Based on Faster Reachability
12: A Survey of Quantum Alternatives to Randomized Algorithms: Monte Carlo Integration and Beyond
13: Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Similarity Measures: A Comprehensive Survey and Quantitative Study
14: Range Avoidance for Constant-Depth Circuits: Hardness and Algorithms
15: Robust optimization with belief functions
16: Distributed Half-Integral Matching and Beyond
17: Direct Access for Answers to Conjunctive Queries with Aggregation
18: Elastic Founder Graphs Improved and Enhanced
19: Fast algorithms for Vizing’s theorem on bounded degree graphs
20: Optimal-Hash Exact String Matching Algorithms
21: Faster Matroid Partition Algorithms
22: Computational bounds for the 2048 game
23: Simple and efficient four-cycle counting on sparse graphs
24: Bootstrapping Dynamic Distance Oracles
25: Any-Order Online Interval Selection
26: Generalizing Greenwald-Khanna Streaming Quantile Summaries for Weighted Inputs
27: Binary Search with Distance-Dependent Costs
28: Explicit constructions of connections on the projective line with a maximally ramified irregular singularity
29: Optimal and Heuristic Min-Reg Scheduling Algorithms for GPU Programs
30: Minimum Coverage by Convex Polygons: The CG:SHOP Challenge 2023
31: Bounds and Algorithms for Frameproof Codes and Related Combinatorial Structures
32: Optimal Square Detection Over General Alphabets
33: Finding Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts
34: Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Independent Packing Problems on Fractionally Tree-Independence-Number-Fragile Graphs
35: Enumerating all minimal hitting sets in polynomial total time
36: Efficient Yao Graph Construction
37: Schr"odinger as a Quantum Programmer: Estimating Entanglement via Steering
38: FPT Constant-Approximations for Capacitated Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Cluster Radii