
Data Structures and Algorithms: 2023/8/29-31

1: Composition in Differential Privacy for General Granularity Notions (Long Version)
2: Local Lipschitz Filters for Bounded-Range Functions with Applications to Arbitrary Real-Valued Functions
3: Faster Min-Cost Flow and Approximate Tree Decomposition on Bounded Treewidth Graphs
4: Differentially Private Aggregation via Imperfect Shuffling
5: Breaking the VLB Barrier for Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks
6: A Quasi-Polynomial Algorithm for Subset-Sum Problems with At Most One Solution
7: Better Prefix Authentication
8: CAGRA: Highly Parallel Graph Construction and Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for GPUs
9: Distance Labeling for Families of Cycles
10: Approximate Monotone Local Search for Weighted Problems
11: Adversarial Low Degree Testing
12: Lower Bounds on Number of QAOA Rounds Required for Guaranteed Approximation Ratios
13: Graph Theory and its Uses in Graph Algorithms and Beyond
14: Scalable Algorithms for 2-Packing Sets on Arbitrary Graphs
15: FPT Approximation and Subexponential Algorithms for Covering Few or Many Edges
16: Probing Quantum Telecloning on Superconducting Quantum Processors
17: Streaming, Local, and Multi-Level (Hyper)Graph Decomposition
18: Parameterized and Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Bimodal Subgraph Problem
19: A Task-Parallel Approach for Localized Topological Data Structures
20: Gap-Free Clustering: Sensitivity and Robustness of SDP
21: A Global Analysis of the Primal-Dual Method for Pliable Families
22: Computational Lower Bounds for Graphon Estimation via Low-degree Polynomials
23: An Improved Greedy Curvature Bound in Finite-Horizon String Optimization with Application to a Sensor Coverage Problem
24: On Colorful Vertex and Edge Cover Problems
25: Efficient Approximation of Quantum Channel Fidelity Exploiting Symmetry
26: Data reduction for directed feedback vertex set on graphs without long induced cycles
27: Sorting Signed Permutations by Reversals in Nearly-Linear Time
28: Jaccard-constrained dense subgraph discovery
29: Support Testing in the Huge Object Model
30: Decomposing Triangulations into 4-Connected Components
31: Optimal Non-Adaptive Cell Probe Dictionaries and Hashing
32: Enumerating minimal vertex covers and dominating sets with capacity and/or connectivity constraints
33: Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Mixed-Integer Programs for Stable Set and Knapsack