1: Are Graph Neural Networks Optimal Approximation Algorithms?
2: On the Complexity of the Eigenvalue Deletion Problem
3: Ranked Enumeration for MSO on Trees via Knowledge Compilation
4: Distributed Deterministic Exact Minimum Weight Cycle and Multi Source Shortest Paths in Near Linear Rounds in CONGEST model
5: An FPRAS for two terminal reliability in directed acyclic graphs
6: Constant Approximation for Private Interdependent Valuations
7: On the Descriptive Complexity of Groups without Abelian Normal Subgroups (Extended Abstract)
8: An Objective Improvement Approach to Solving Discounted Payoff Games
9: Finding a reconfiguration sequence between longest increasing subsequences
10: On $b$-Matching and Fully-Dynamic Maximum $k$-Edge Coloring
11: Fitting an ellipsoid to random points: predictions using the replica method
12: Parameterized Complexity of Incomplete Connected Fair Division
13: Harnessing the Power of Choices in Decision Tree Learning
14: Local algorithms and the failure of log-depth quantum advantage on sparse random CSPs
15: Sampling Multimodal Distributions with the Vanilla Score: Benefits of Data-Based Initialization
16: Clustering Graphs of Bounded Treewidth to Minimize the Sum of Radius-Dependent Costs
17: Learning quantum Hamiltonians at any temperature in polynomial time
18: Efficient Enumeration of Drawings and Combinatorial Structures for Maximal Planar Graphs
19: Symbolic Automata: $\omega$-Regularity Modulo Theories
20: SGORP: A Subgradient-based Method for d-Dimensional Rectilinear Partitioning
21: A Faster Deterministic Approximation Algorithm for TTP-2
22: Online Algorithms for Spectral Hypergraph Sparsification
23: Searching 2D-Strings for Matching Frames
24: On the Length of Strongly Monotone Descending Chains over $\mathbb{N}^d$
25: Streaming Euclidean $k$-median and $k$-means with $o(\log n)$ Space
26: Finding coherent node groups in directed graphs
27: FPT Approximations for Packing and Covering Problems Parameterized by Elimination Distance and Even Less
28: Towards Robust and Generalizable Training: An Empirical Study of Noisy Slot Filling for Input Perturbations
29: Finding missing items requires strong forms of randomness
30: Recovering Single-Crossing Preferences From Approval Ballots
31: Testing Higher-order Clusterability on graphs
32: How to Capture Higher-order Correlations? Generalizing Matrix Softmax Attention to Kronecker Computation
33: Deterministic Clustering in High Dimensional Spaces: Sketches and Approximation
34: Enumeration and updates for conjunctive linear algebra queries through expressibility
35: Errata to: “Faster Deterministic Exponential Time Algorithm for Energy Games and Mean Payoff Games”
36: A Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithm for Counting Markov Equivalence Classes with the same Skeleton
37: Optimization with pattern-avoiding input
38: Kernelization for Counting Problems on Graphs: Preserving the Number of Minimum Solutions
39: On the Parameterized Complexity of Multiway Near-Separator
40: Submodular Norms with Applications To Online Facility Location and Stochastic Probing
41: Kawasaki dynamics beyond the uniqueness threshold