1: Generalized Densest Subgraph in Multiplex Networks
2: Algorithms for the Ridesharing with Profit Constraint Problem
3: Limitations of Stochastic Selection with Pairwise Independent Priors
4: Wait-free Trees with Asymptotically-Efficient Range Queries
5: Efficient Self-Adjusting Search Trees via Lazy Updates
6: Adversarial Attacks on Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits
7: Optimizing Solution-Samplers for Combinatorial Problems: The Landscape of Policy-Gradient Methods
8: Sub-quadratic (1+\eps)-approximate Euclidean Spanners, with Applications
9: Emergent chaotic iterations in hard sparse instances of hamiltonian path problem
10: Drawn Tree Decomposition: New Approach for Graph Drawing Problems
11: Collective Graph Exploration Parameterized by Vertex Cover
12: Finding a Minimum Spanning Tree with a Small Non-Terminal Set
13: Hidden Permutations to the Rescue: Multi-Pass Semi-Streaming Lower Bounds for Approximate Matchings
14: Improved Scheduling with a Shared Resource
15: Polyhedral approach to weighted connected matchings in general graphs
16: The Parameterised Complexity of Integer Multicommodity Flow
17: Exact threshold for approximate ellipsoid fitting of random points
18: Parameterized Complexity of MinCSP over the Point Algebra
19: Threshold Policies with Tight Guarantees for Online Selection with Convex Costs
20: Better and Simpler Lower Bounds for Differentially Private Statistical Estimation
21: Learning bounded-degree polytrees with known skeleton
22: Adaptive Cache-Friendly Priority Queue: Enhancing Heap-Tree Efficiency for Modern Computing
23: Fault-tolerant $k$-Supplier with Outliers
24: Quantum collision circuit, quantum invariants and quantum phase estimation procedure for fluid dynamic lattice gas automata
25: Algorithmic study on liar’s vertex-edge domination problem
26: Approximating Subset Sum Ratio faster than Subset Sum
27: On the Robustness of Mechanism Design under Total Variation Distance
28: On $(1+\varepsilon)$-Approximate Flow Sparsifiers
29: An $\tilde\Omega\big(\sqrt{\log |T|}\big)$ Lower Bound for Steiner Point Removal
30: Refined Mechanism Design for Approximately Structured Priors via Active Regression
31: Secretary Problems with Random Number of Candidates: How Prior Distributional Information Helps
32: Robust 1-bit Compressed Sensing with Iterative Hard Thresholding
33: The Search-and-Mix Paradigm in Approximate Nash Equilibrium Algorithms
34: Core-sets for Fair and Diverse Data Summarization
35: Computing Twin-Width Parameterized by the Feedback Edge Number
36: Stronger Coreset Bounds for Kernel Density Estimators via Chaining
37: Placement Optimization of Substitutable Products
38: The Complexity of Homomorphism Reconstructibility
39: Sparse Suffix and LCP Array: Simple, Direct, Small, and Fast
40: A 4-approximation algorithm for min max correlation clustering
41: Sorting and Selection in Rounds with Adversarial Comparisons