1: A Competitive Algorithm for Agnostic Active Learning
2: Methodology of Algorithm Engineering
3: An Improved Relaxation for Oracle-Efficient Adversarial Contextual Bandits
4: Sketching Algorithms for Sparse Dictionary Learning: PTAS and Turnstile Streaming
5: Worst-case Performance of Popular Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Implementations: Guarantees and Limitations
6: USSR is in P/poly
7: Faster QUBO Brute-Force Solving using Gray Code
8: Arborescences, Colorful Forests, and Popularity
9: Approximate Earth Mover’s Distance in Truly-Subquadratic Time
10: Superpolynomial smoothed complexity of 3-FLIP in Local Max-Cut
11: Fast swap regret minimization and applications to approximate correlated equilibria
12: Rank and Select on Degenerate Strings
13: Robust Learning for Smoothed Online Convex Optimization with Feedback Delay
14: Finding a Maximum Restricted $t$-Matching via Boolean Edge-CSP
15: A polynomial-time $\text{OPT}^\epsilon$-approximation algorithm for maximum independent set of connected subgraphs in a planar graph
16: Simple and tight complexity lower bounds for solving Rabin games
17: Improved Roundtrip Spanners, Emulators, and Directed Girth Approximation